What's going on, what happened to the light!, I thought in tears as I could see some shadows which seems to be my imagination, I remembered the garden girls story as my fears increased.

I couldn't shout to avoid anybody seeing me naked.

Suddenly the light turned on, I was shocked and frightened by the sudden brightness as I made to wash my hair.

The light offed backed again making me to jark in fear as I quickly took my towel with soapy body as I ran out shouting.

"Ghost in the toilet!!!"

"Ghost in the toilet please help!!!" I shouted as people came out of their rooms.

Wyatt's POV

I was so engrossed on my game as heard a door open, who could that be at this time of the night I thought as I tiptod out of my room to see alizeh entering the bathroom.

I smiled to my self as I closed the door quietly, I thought of what to do to her but wasn't getting any plan.

I thought hard as I got an intelligent idea and walked to the female bathroom switch and turned it off quietly to avoid it making a sound.

I turned it on again and back off as I quietly walked to a corner to watch her next move, I gotta know how brave she is for her to be able to slap a huge tall handsome dude like I.

I watched her run out of the bathroom with her soapy body shouting, gosh I can't stop laughing.

Best prank ever!, damn I nailed it! I thought as I laughed to my self.

I can't believe that she could be so scared to the extent that she ran out shamelessly crying like a kid.

Feels so good…

I brought out my phone as I started recording her madness as I heard them laughing instead of asking some questions.

They brought out there phones as they snapped pictures of her and posted on the internet with lots of funny captions.

I watched her as she ran shamefully into her room with her breast and butt bouncing.

I laughed back to my room as I saw Esme on top of the bed on his night wear pants.

"Esme didn't you hear the noise out side?" I asked still laughing as I sat beside him

"Wyatt am sure you pranked her what did you do to the innocent girl!" He shouted angrily at me

"Just a very simple prank tricks" I bragged

"Why did you behave so wicked!, can't you see she's a girl?, you should know girls are always Like she is!!, no matter how a brave a girl behaves doesn't mean she won't be scared, man you really embarrassed her" He said in a Moody tone

"Enough of all this!, if you love her this much why don't you just approach her, when it comes to that Ali girls topic you suddenly become a saint like seriously I hate it!" I shouted angrily as he ignored me and turned facing the wall.

Alizeh's POV

I drove home with lux as early as 5am to be able to have a peaceful and comfortable sleep.

I got into my room and kept my bag on the floor as I fell to My queen size bed.

Damn I have missed the softness of my foam, I lay down as I covered myself with my thick duvet and slept soundly.

My alarm woke me up by 6:00 for workout which got me pissed off, I was so weak and tired.

I turned off the alarm and covered my face with the duvet and slept off.


It was 9:30 when I woke up, I sat on my bed with my two legs crossed together as I yawned tiredly stretching my body.

My head went back to what happened at the party at night.

Gosh so embarrassing, nobody felt pity for me instead they laughed there fucking ass out so annoying.

But could that be a ghost or what? Whatever I fucking don't care.

I took my phone which was laying on the bed as I checked it to see…

✆ 3 missed calls from lux

✆ 5 from mom

✆ 1 message

I opened the message box and it was a credit alert from my dad.

I called my mom…

☎Good morning mom☎ I said in a smile

☎Girly hope you're doing fine over there☎ she asked

☎am okay, though am missing you and dad☎ I pouted

☎aww my queen we will soon be back, you know we both have to complete our work over here in England☎ she said

☎so when am I expecting you guys?☎ I asked

☎uhmm… Probably on Sunday thats next tomorrow☎ she replied

☎oh really nice then☎ I replied in a happy smile

☎Mummy and daddy loves you dear☎ she said as I smiled

☎i love you both too☎ I replied as we hanged up

Actually my mom and dad owns a cuostumetics company which is world wide, named Enid's costumes.

They travel almost every time to check how good each of the companies are doing and to attends some necessary meetings.

All my life I have always lived like an orphan though I get my parents attentions but its not really complete without them always around.

on a second thought, I think I don't have any sibling because of their busy life.

I placed a call on lux…

☎Bitch☎ I called in a smile

☎How are you?☎ she asked

☎am okay you?☎ I asked

☎am fine, hope you ain't feeling humiliated about what happened last night?☎ she asked

☎No am fine its nothing☎ I replied in a smile

☎talk to you later, I will see you by noon☎ she said

☎Hope to see you☎ I replied as she hanged up.

I stood up and walked to my sink which Was placed inside my room for washing my face because it has better water to the one in the toilet.

I washed my face thoroughly as I cleaned it with my face towel, I looked at the mirror.

Not good at all my face looks puffy same with my eyes I scoffed as I walked to the toilet and had a poop.

I tied my very short towel round my chest as I walked to the bathroom with my brush, I brushed my tooth and had a quick bathe.

I wore my baggy crazy pants, a big sweater and my white canvas as I combed my hair and walked out of the room.

I trailed down to the stairs sluggishly as I walked to the dinning table.

Thank God I hard my breakfast of Hoppin' John on the table if not I would have spanked the hell outta there butts.

I sat on a chair as I ate my breakfast and sipped my fruit juice.

"Can someone tune the channel to Kim kardashians entertainment channel?" I called out as one of the cooks came out of his room as he tuned the channel and left back to his room.

We have just four worker's…

2 cooks

1 security guard

And a Gardner

I really enjoy the kardashians program "keeping up with the kardashians" I love there lives like seriously and I watch it because of Kim kardashian and Chloe kardashian.

Kim has a big butt while Chloe has a nice shape and a nice hair.

I love their life style although Kim is a porn star.

it was 1:00 and I really wanna see aunt cressida my dads friend but first I gotta give her a call to know if she's at home.

☎Hey dear how are you?☎ she asked

☎am fine you?☎ I replied

☎am fine, its been a while though and I have not been chanced to visit☎ she said

☎oh aunt not to worry am coming to see you☎ I replied in a smile

☎be waiting☎ she replied as we hanged up

I walked to the car park and picked my BMW as I drove off to aunt cress house.

I stopped at lux house, her parents knows me and there workers so I freely walked to her room.

She was operating her laptop on her bed and she was so engrossed that she didn't notice when i entered.

I tiptop to her bed…

"Haaaa!!!" I shouted making her jark up in fear as I laughed so hard.

She looked at me scornfully

"You scared me!" She said panting

"Haha you get scared so easily" I said as I laughed

"Ali the brave girl who ran of the bathroom because of darkness" she said as she laughed leaving me annoyed

"Whatever, am going to see my aunt cress" I said "are you coming with me? I asked

"Yes I will" she said "although I was about coming over to your house" she added

"Alright let's go" I said as we walked out of there pretty mansion.

We drove to aunt cress eastate as the security guard opened the main eastate not after he asked some necessary questions.

We drove to her mansion gate as the security guard opened the gate.

Wow the mansion has really changed a lot, looking more expensive and rich.

The mansion was made of a tinted glass and, it looked like real paradise on earth, her car park was filled with lots of new latest cars.

Her flowers where pretty although I haven't checked the one on the garden although she plants cute flowers.

Aunt cress house wasn't as pretty as this before it was pretty though but the glass wasn't tinted and she had no flower in the compound apart from the garden.

She really upgraded, I most confess her house is better than ours although ours is also a glass house.

What an old damn cress is…

"Ali this place is damn cool!" Lux said making me jark out of my thoughts

"Like seriously am lost!" I replied

"Are you sure we are at the right place?" She asked

"Yeah we are let's go inside" I said as we walked inside.

Another mind blowing view!, here sitting room is wow, the couch is fabulous and the paintings on the wall.

I thought as I heard a foot step trailing down the stairs.

©by Pop Precious