Every body laughed so hard as I ran out of the class to the rest room, why did this happen in front of that weird lady?.

Gosh I don't think I will be able to face the students again, I will be mocked.

I got to the rest room and had a poop which smells so bad, I can't remember eating anything not good for my belly.

What could have caused such embarrassment? I thought as I cleaned my butt and tried going out of the rest, I still felt like some kinds watery poop is about to come out guess am purging.

I sat back on the water system and cleared my belly for the last time.

I turned to the sink and washed my face, gosh I can't stay here till school is over although its remaining an hour.

I gotta face whatever will happen I thought as I walked out of the rest room to the class and immediately every one brushed into laughter.

"Shitting lady!" Cyrus said in a mocking tone as everyone laughed hard, how did she know that I was gonna poop, is she behind this? No I don't think so because I don't take things from her so she might just be saying it to mock me.

I swear, if I get the person behind this he or she won't like me at all.

I glared at Cyrus scornfully as she laughed pointing at me.

I sat down shamefully as Mrs prettyjohn sat down with her legs wide open laughing like a fool.

Luckily for me the dismissal bell rang, I quickly took my bag without waiting for lux and ran to the car am sure she will call her driver, I drove home in full speed.

Wyatt's POV

So funny, what a fat!! That girls fat smells so bad what does she eat and she didn't even control her and excuse her self she just released the bomb.

Anyways I felt for her, she had to run home because of the embarrassment.

My first day was really awesome I thought as I walked to my car while Esme went to his as we said good byes.

I got home and granny wasn't in the parlor, where could she be she's the first person am meant to see each time I come back from school.

"Rose!!, Nelly!!" I called as they both rushed out in a rush, Nelly came out wet and soapy guess she was bathing.

"Nelly go and continue your bath I didn't mean to interrupt you" I said calmly

"Sir you mean I should go?" She asked in a surprised look

"Guess you heard me right" I said as she bowed and left in a hurry

"Rose is granny home?" I asked calmly

"Yeah she's in her room, she is having a high blood pressure although the doc…" She tried saying as I cut her short

"Rose you talk a lot, just move aside" I said as I headed to the stairs

"Am sorry sir, I will try controlling myself I was trying to tell you ma'am Cress's condition" she said as I looked at her in a breathe and trailed up the stairs.

I walked to grannies room, the doctor was checking her BP and she was looking really pale.

"Doc is her BP normal?" I asked

"Nope, she really needs to avoid anything that would make her shout" he said

"Aiit" I replied as he made his way out, I Headed to my room I was really tired.

I took my bath and took a nap on my boxer shorts.

Esme's POV

I got home very weak and tired, I took my bath and lay on the bed peering into my phone, all I saw in the group chat was #Alifart, #shitting_lady and all sorts of embarrassing captions.

I really felt for her, what an embarrassing fart which smells so bad Cyrus really behaved suspiciously, that girl is up to no good infact the red lipstick girls they too bad and wicked.

Who knows how Ali would be right now…

Alizeh's POV

I got home in a swollen red eyes due to tears, I might be a strong girl but this is actually the highest embarrassment a girl would take.

Am sure I would be trending in the group chat and I won't be able to bear the posts, I haven't solved the first problem and here is another one.

I walked into the parlor and saw my parents, they are actually back I thought as I hurriedly cleaned my tears and gave a bright smile.

"Mom dad welcome back home" I said in a smile as we had a family hug

"Honey how have you been" mom asked

"I have been okay" I replied in smile

"And how was school today?" Mom asked

"It was awesome" I replied in a kinda teary shaky voice "I gotta change" i added and rushed to my room not waiting for any permission, I felt my tears about to drop and I won't like to talk or answer much questions.

I lay on my bed feeling really sad, my first day of resumption was so disheartening, I don't think I will love to go to school tomorrow.

I trailed to the bathroom to take my bathe and feel fresh, I stayed up to an hour showering not actually showering but thinking.

Finally I was done bathing, I dried my skin and wore a transparent purple dress that had a lips design which says kiss me.

I lay back on my bed as I took my phone peering through the posts and chats that was just about me.

Lots of embarrassing captions gosh I can't take this anymore I thought in tears as I threw my phone to the wall making it shatter into pieces.

i used the pillow to head as i sobbed under the pillow.

Lux's POV

I got home through the help of the driver, I took my bath and wore a new dress as I headed to Ali's house.

I was greeted by the workers as I trailed to the parlor, I met her parents I was kinda scared and surprised.

I was already shaking in fear…

"Dear are you looking for Ali?" Her dad asked

"Ye…ye...yes sir, welcome sir welcome ma" I greeted

"Yeah, alizeh is up stairs" her mom replied as I ran to the stairs heading to her room.

I got to her room and Ali was seriously crying under her pillow I felt so bad for her as I sat beside her in her soft foam.

"Ali you don't have to be pale, you are a very strong and smart girl then why are you crying this much stop acting weak" I said calmly as he removed the pillow and sat up

"Lux can't you see that its really embarrassing and its already known by all the students in rosey gold high?" She asked teary

"That doesn't mean you should cry, you can still act as if nothing happened and you will see that the matter will die down" I said "all you have to do is to think of how to get the person and the perfect plan for payback" I added as she sat up

"The major suspect is Cyrus because she's my only enemy in rosey gold high" she said

"So what's the plan" I said

"Hmm…using camera" she replied

"Camera for what?" I asked confused

"Off course to monitor them, what else!" she replied

"Ohh… So how are we gonna go about that?" I asked

"Really simple, just to get a camera and place it on Cyrus phone, it would be connected to my laptop so whatever they are discussing we would hear it and that will help us know if she is guilty or not" alizeh replied as I nodded in agreement

"Perfect idea so we, I will get the camera" I said as she nodded.

Alizeh POV

my annoying alarm woke me up, it was 6:30 am really sick and tired of schooling can't I just have a good sleep?.

Now I gotta go for workout before heading to school, I checked my phone and saw a message from lux "GET READY FOR TODAY" i smiled as I walked to my closet and took my workout outfit.

I had my morning warm up took my bath and breakfast and waited for lux to pick me up, its her turn today.

Few minutes later I heard the car horn as I ran of the house not after saying good bye to my parents.

We drove to school happily as we branched to the fun bakery house where we bought cookies.

We got to school as we walked to the locker line although hearing some laughter and gossips.

We kept our bags inside the locker and left to the class.

The school activities went on till the time for break everyone went out to play and eat while i and lux went to the basketball court, we are allowed in their because we are in the basketball team.

I brought out the laptop placed my modem WiFi on it and handed it over to lux to operate on it and do the connecting.

Am really sure lux will mess every plan up if she is sent to the dormitory room because she fears a lot I can't miss this opportunity.

I walked to the dormitory with the little camera, I don't think keeping the camera in Cyrus phone would be easy so I gotta keep it in the red lipstick girls dormitory room it would really help after all, I would know when they are about to make a plan and I will go after them quick before any molestation.

I got to the red lipstick girls dormitory room entrance it was kinda quit because it was at the back of the school building.

I quietly unlocked the door knob as I looked around to know if anyone was coming, I entered inside and quietly closed the door, sure all the red lipstick girls can't be here by this time.

I walked to the boss room where I heard they normally have their discussions, I placed the camera on the bulb quietly and tried walking out of the boss room when the door opened.

©by Pop Precious