Alizeh's POV

I searched through the comments of the picture lux took of I and Wyatt, she made it look as if we where couple having a movie night and now the comments really sucks.

the introvert finds love

lots of love you guys!

Are they really lovers?

so cute together

like seriously the new cutie own rosey gold high

And all sort of funny comments…

Am so embarrassed right now, why would lux do such without my consent, Wyatt might think I told lux to do all of that if he sees the post which I wouldn't stand.

By the way what made her announce that Wyatt is Cress's grand son, he might get even more angrier if he see's it, for him not to have told students about it then he has a reason for that maybe he wants to keep it for the right time.

Lux will never change I have warned her about some kinda characters she displays, she isn't really good at keeping secrets which is really bad.