The ride back home was very quiet, but unsettling. My thoughts went back to the moment we stepped out of Gabriel and Davina's room. Lois immediately loosened her hand from my hold.

"Lois can we talk?" I asked as I turned on the engine of the car.

"Not now Oliver, I'm stressed out"

She replied with a yawn.

"Alright" I replied feeling very disappointed.

I began to see Lois in a different light today. She was a nice person, and always ready to help. I was suprised when she agreed to accompany me to the party. The way she selflessly helped Davina during her delivery without any complaints.

I let my emotions cloud my judgement about Lois. I forgot to see the way she cared for everyone, except me. I don't know why, but I feel hurt knowing she doesn't give two fucks about me.

We stepped into our room at about 2:25am. She walked straight to the bed without pulling a single thing from her body as she slumped down on the bed.

"Goodnight Oliver"

"Goodnight Lois"

"We'll get to talk about your meeting with Gabriel when I wake up, moreover that's the reason I accompanied you as your 'Wife' for that party."

I laughed heartily.

"Of course you are my Wife, Lois"

"Yeaaah right" she said sleepily.

"Yeah, go to sleep Lois. You are stressed out"

"O...k......." she dragged on as she gradually fell into the land of dreams.


6 pm the next day.

"Stop right there, Mr." I froze as I heard the familiar voice while walking upstairs, after I came back from work.

"Hey..... Lois" I smiled.

"Hey Oliver" she replied with fake smile.

"Lois do we have a problem?"

"Of course we do! Did I, or did I not tell you that we need to talk today?"

I smiled as realized the reason for her anger.

"I'm so sorry Ma'am. It won't happen again. Had a meeting scheduled for 8am this morning......"

"So you couldn't wait for me to wake up then. Right?"

She sounded calm and understanding now.


"It's okay"


"Yeah, it's fine. Really, I understand"

"Thank you"


"So..... What?"

"What did u guys talk about at the meeting?"

"Oh! Well, it wasn't so favourable.

My company has a great competitor. A serious one and he's also vying for the project from Gabriel's corporation."

"Oh, that's bad, but don't worry have faith. Your presentation would be better of than theirs."

She smiled, so genuinely.

"Thank you Lois"

"Oh well now, that's a change. You've said how many 'thank yous' today.

"Because I'm really grateful for yesterday lois. You went out of your convenience to help Davina. You were willing to accompany me as my date to the party, and it was really helpful"

"Oliver I........."

"Look Lois, I really don't know the root of our enemity or quarrels, but I want it to end. I really don't want our hate and pride to get in the way of this marriage. It won't be good to the image of our families."

"I......I totally agree with you. I don't want the fights anymore. Let's call a truce"

"Alright then, let's call a truce. I'm sorry for talking very badly to you and always pissing you off."

"And I'm also sorry for hitting you. I promise it won't happen again, and I'm sorry for acting so bitchy, but I can't assure you that it won't happen again. I kinda like the feeling of pissing you off"

"Oh really!!?" I laughed.

"Yeaaaah!!"she laughed heartily.

"So, we're gonna make it work between us?" I asked unsure and she blushed.

"Yeah, we'll make it work" she smiled.

"Alright then, a hug?"

"Sure" she flung herself into my arms as she hugged me, while I wrapped my arms around her waist as I brought my head to settle on top of her head.

"Saying I'm sorry hurts no one after all!!"

"Yeah, It doesn't" I replied with a huge smile on my face.


Lois' POV.

*One week later*

Oliver had really changed a lot towards me in this past week. He'd become polite and less annoying. Always asked how my day was after coming back from work every day, he's no longer silent during breakfast and dinner.

He was meant to be back by now, but I haven't seen a sign of him yet. I suddenly heard the roar of his Audi as he drove into the mansion. I don't know why, but I felt happy today. Like something good happened.

"Lois!! Lois! Where are you?"

"Turn around Mr." A smile broke unto his face as he turned.

"Oh, here you are, I have news for you."

"Hope it's good?" I chuckled.

"Well...., One is definitely good, but I don't know how you would take the other, but I feel it's okay"

"Alright, spill."

"I got the contract, I got Gabriel's damn project!!!"

"Wow, congrats! I told you, you just had to have a little faith."

"I know right? It's all thanks to you."

"No!.. Please don't give me the credit for your hardwork"

"But of course it's true. Gabriel said that I totally deserved the project because my presentation was good, but he had no hesitations after you delivered his wife of their baby"

"Awwww, that's so cool."

"Yeah, he even advised me to get you a gift. And I sure will"

"Oh really!!?" I said smugly

"Yeah really" He mimicked my tone and I laughed.

"So......, spit the second news"



"Well.....,well. We Uhhhmmm" he scratched his jaw


"We are going on our honeymoon!"

What the hell!!!