The cool breeze fell on my face, through the open window, as Oliver drove in high speed. I was happy, so happy, genuinely happy at last. I got the happily ever after I wanted. No misunderstandings, or regrets.

I looked at Oliver, who seemed so calm as he drove at such a speed.


"Yes, my Love"

"I love you" He put his right hand on my laps, and used the left hand to control the steering.

"I love you moooore" I smiled, put my hand on top of his, and gave a light squeeze. I could see the beach far ahead, and then in few seconds, we came to a stop.

"The Beach?"

"Yes the beach" he replied, as he went behind to open the car booth.

"You said we were going for a ride"

"Yeah, we did go for a ride. Didn't say were we'd go after that" He winked.

He brought out food, fruits and drinks, all packaged in a basket. I went over to help him with some of the stuff in the car booth.



"You should have let me know we were coming to the beach. At least I would have gotten a pair of bikini and sun shades. I would have loved to tan my body.

"And who says I didn't get you covered?" He smirked. I smiled as I realized he actually completely prepared for today. We took all our stuff out of the car and walked to the beach.


It was 8pm and we were on our way back home. I had really enjoyed my time with Oliver today. We had so much fun at the beach. I thought of the little girl whom we met at the beach. Isla, pretty little girl whom had accompanied her Mom to the beach.

She caught my attention when she neatly French twisted her Mom's red hair, and I couldn't help but compliment the work. I asked Olly to excuse me, and walked up to them.

"You have a really nice talent my dear"

"Thank you Ma'am. I love to do things that makes my mom pretty. She deserves it" she replied as her mother laughed.

That was a very simple statement, and it was also very deep.

"What's your name pretty girl?" I asked


What would it be like, for me to have a child with Oliver? A daughter just like Isla. So smart and lovely. Isla's Mom Isabelle, had a rough break up with her husband 5 years ago, just a month before Isla was born. What kind of a man would leave his heavily pregnant wife in that condition?

Isabelle had a long talk with I and Oliver about random and personal issues. I had also spent time playing with Isla on the beach sand.

When it was time to leave with her mom, she kept whining. I also didn't want them to leave just yet. I noticed Olly also took a great liking to Isla.

"You are really missing that little girl. Aren't you, babe?" I looked at Oliver, who smiled at me before looking back to the road.

"I sure am"

"Don't worry, we would have our own kids soon. We're really working towards it by the way" He smirked, as I blushed.

We had made love at the beach today. It was quick, but was definitely worth it! It turned out Oliver made real plans, about this outing. He took me into one of the beach houses, after Isabel and Isla had left.

"You enjoy teasing me a lot, my love"

I playfully scolded.

"I'm sorry babe" He laughed.


I woke up after a night of pure love. I still thought if it was ever possible for this strong feeling of love to fade away. I still felt it was impossible, for me not to have butterflies in my stomach, when I see Oliver bare chested, even in the next 10 years.

I smiled as I quietly dressed up in my sporting outfit, in order not wake Oliver. I and Harrieth had agreed on going for an early morning jog today.

I walked out and met Harrieth on the staircase, as we made our way out.

We were jogging back home, when Harrieth stopped to catch her breath. She sat on the roadside pavement, as she yelled at me.

"Come on Lois! Wait up, will you?"

"Nahhh, meet up after your rest" I laughed, as I kept jogging. She kept grumbling, as I went farther.

I had left Harrieth for over 3 minutes, but haven't seen her yet. Just as I was about to turn my back and go check on her, two sleek black cars, drove past me. The third car came to a stop in front of me.

It all happened like a movie when two hefty men in black came out of the car and motioned towards me. I made to run immediately, but it wasn't up to 5 seconds into my run, when two strong hands grabbed me by the waist. I kicked and kicked, trying to let myself loose, but it was to no avail.

Where was Harrieth? Was she safe?

Just as I gave the another kick, my nose was covered with a handkerchief. My brain jerked to action. No no no, this was bad. They were trying to sedate me. I tried my best not to inhale, but how long could I hold my breath for?

I thought of Oliver, as a tear slipped down my eyes. I didn't realize when I had inhaled. Oliver, Oliver. He would definitely come for me, I knew he would. I reassured myself for the final time, before everything seemed hazy and I fell into an unwanted slumber.


FAM!!!! We are finally done with Stuck with Oliver. I couldn't be any more happier. Thank you all for your support and encouragement all the way. I really do appreciate.

We have just completed the first book on S.T.E.W Series.

Up next on the S.T.E.W SERIES is

Taming Harrieth. I would be dropping it off soon. This book is about Jake and Harrieth!! Please check it out to know what actually happened to our dear Lois.


S-tuck with Oliver

T-aming Harrieth

E-nchanted by Lynn

W-inning Cheryl