"In two days, Kian will accompany you to the games." Mr.. Williams turned to me" Right Kian?"
I was feeling proud of myself for deceiving when I heard his words. I stiffened"Sorry, what?"
I didn't hear him well, did I?
He chuckles"Don't be so shocked Kian, Azra loves you so much and I'm sure she'll want you to accompany her. Won't you do this for me? I'm so old and can't go, her brothers also have things to take care of so I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you."
I laughed out loud but the truth is I was crying on the inside. "It's no problem Mr. I'll do it, I'll accompany her."
The words sounded like sand in my mouth. F*CK!! I don't want to accompany anyone. I was only trying to fool this man but why do I feel like I got fooled at the end?
Ugh If I had known it'll get to this, I wouldn't have agreed to Azra's plan. Hey, what does he mean her brothers have things to do? Is he trying to say I have nothing to do?