Chapter 326: The Threat Approaches...

On the magnificent planet of Xyloren, situated in the enchanting country of Eloren, the shops showcased unique designs, filled with symmetrical details and an unparalleled style. A colossal, sturdy tree rose majestically, adorned by various structures around it, with an even larger structure crowning its top, dazzling from afar with its silver splendor and sparkling rainbow hues.

Alongside Amon and his companions, two native Eloreans observed with smiles as they witnessed the awe-struck expressions of the visitors directed towards this grand structure.

One of them shared, "That's the home of the King of Eloren. At the peak, you'll find the royal chambers, while around the immense tree lie the residences of the children and relatives of the noble lineage."

"As imposing as it may seem," Barbara pondered, "from afar, it looks diminutive... But how vast are the King's chambers?"

"A little over 30,000 square meters," Elasa, an Elorean, replied.