Brawn + Brain VS Skill + Brain - 2

"Ready for round 2?"

Raka asked with a smirk.


Marcus grinned and leaned his body a bit to the front so he could get a jump start.

"Watch this"

Raka yelled as he yanked something out of his pant pocket. A red handkerchief revealed itself from his pocket and attached to his hand. Raka slowly positioned it on his head and smiled.


Under Raka's order, the red handkerchief grew to the size of a whole curtain. The expanded handkerchief lowered itself on his body, coating him entirely with its silk smooth fabric.

"Hey Marcus, Say Abracadabra"

Raka spoke. His face not apparent through the fabric enclosing him.

Marcus shook his head to himself as if he was annoyed. Seriously! He wanted answers, he wanted the fucking answers to why Raka had an enormous level of mana pool and what his real identity was.

They were fighting and this dude in front of him was acting like a thirteen-year-old, asking him to say some out-of-the-world chants.