A Festival Of Surpressed Memories

"I can sense it...No, haha I can see it in your eyes. You know how death feels like, don't you?. I know this makes no sense but I feel like you died at least a hundred times before."


{At Himself}


Raka was staring at his memory self who was a few meters away from and was speaking to the man beside him, to Marcus G Orno.

He shook his head and strolled away from them. The land under him felt so real as his legs sauntered over the grassy land.

Raka halted his steps as he learned his memory was taking place in his pocket dimension, which was just another one of those infinitely looping pocket dimensions that solely pivoted on the user's mana capacity.

"Now what was that?"

Raka let his voice escape through his mouth while he gradually diminished himself to a squatting posture and then to a final laying posture.