Before the first cockcrow,Iris was wide awake. She stared at the man sleeping peacefully beside her. She looked down at his arms snaked around her and back up at his beautiful face.

She reached a hand and touched a strand of his hair. Yesterday he had opened up to her but she was afraid he might be having second thoughts about it. What if he decided to leave again or send her away?

She couldn't understand. She was suppose to be afraid of him after everything she saw but strange enough she wasn't. She rather felt closer to him. There was this nagging feeling in her heart like she belonged right beside this beautiful man.

She let her hands travel to his forehead and felt his temperature. He felt hit against her cold hand. suddenly he was looking back at her with bright red eyes. She blinked a few times and looked into his eyes again. They were their normal shade of hazel.

"Must've imagine it". she thought.

"Your hands are cold." He said in a hoarse voice.