The past three days has been pretty stressful. Me and my men had to set barriers over all the exits of Maledoth, making sure no goods left for Carleck .

Of course there is always goats among the sheeps. Despite we doing all this just to protect them, there were those who strongly disagreed with us and were rebelling.

They'd ignored our warnings and threats and had smuggled goods out to Carlek. I was so furious that I didn't hesitate to send my men out there, blocking every exit that led to Carlek.

After a day's monitoring I was astounded by what I was greeted with. It pushed me to set gaurds all over the town and it's borders.

Not only were we up against rebels who were trying to take onions and peppers to Carlek but smugglers of women, kids and drugs in and out of Maledoth!.

I just couldn't believe slave raiding was still a thing in the kingdom and it was only fueling my already lit fire. And drugs? Like seriously?

"If you're cought, you're so doomed!"