I stopped at the door to take deep breaths, straightened my cloths and smoothened down my hair before gesturing to the guard to open the door.

With a calm demeanor and confidently composed steps, I strode towards father's living area with determination in my eyes.

"Your mother must be very happy wherever she is. She must be proud of the man you have grown into, I am. I have always known you have lots of good potentials in you but you have surprised me. Things seem to be moving smoothly between you and the princess and how you salted out the Carlek incident was just brilliant. "

His voice floated to me from the inside. Who was he talking to?

"Thank you Father. I give you all the credit though. I am who I am today because you believed in me and didn't give up on me."


What in the world was he doing in father's chamber so early in the morning?