Daisuke Kane

Your POV:

You saw him, playing with squirrels with his needles. "Rin, are you alright?"

Rin looked at you with an emotionless face.

"Why shouldn't I? he asks coldly, devoid of any emotions.

"Do you dislike me, Rin?"

Rin remained silent.

"You and Aki are very nice and I thank you both for letting me stay here in your estate. But if I make you feel uncomfortable, I should just go."

"Why must you leave? Why do you want to leave me? How can you even think of leaving when you make me feel this way?" His words startled you, you don't know what he means.

Rin took some steps towards you and cornered you, your back is trapped against a tree.

Rin pressed himself to you, his scent intoxicates you like an aphrodisiac slowly making you beg for more.

"Do you really want to leave me? No, you must know you sounded confused right now," Rin kisses you possessively, harshly, as if to punish you for even thinking about leaving him; and yet you find your body reacting to his kiss, your skin craving his touch.

Rin noticed your reaction and opened your mouth with his tongue. His tongue teased yours, starting a dance that leaves you both breathless.

Rin tilted your chin as he deepened the kiss. You tugged on his neck, his sheer height straining you both just to keep the magic last longer.

He carried you, placing his hands on your hips while pressing your back against the tree. And that was when you felt him, his sheer passion and strength growing with each second of desire.

Just as you were about to completely lose your mind, you heard Aki shouting from a distance.

"Maru, I think Muchiko is about to give birth!" She was shouting and was running around looking for you.

You pushed Rin. You can't look him in the eyes. Not after the passion, you both shared.

You pushed his chest and ran away from him as fast as your feet can carry you.

"Aki! I'm here! Let's go and help Muchiko," you held Aki's hand when she finally found you with your hair in complete disarray.


Paris Le'blanc's POV:

I hid behind the trees and trailed them with my eyes.

There they are, my porcelain doll and the dark-eyed assassin.

Like lovers hiding behind the dark of the night.

Poetic, wasn't it?

That her happiness would mean so much pain for me.

That a toy can even cause me grief is an unprecedented and incomprehensible joke.

And yet here I am, unable to stand seeing them kiss.

I turned my back against them as I heard Aki calling her name.

I watched her blush, unable to look into his eyes.

I felt an unbearable ache knowing that it was another man who made her feel that way.

I don't understand myself any longer. She is just a toy. Nothing more.

So why does it hurt so much?


Your POV:

Muchiko successfully gave birth to seven healthy puppies. Aki even asked if you would like to have one. Of course, you politely declined. You wouldn't want the puppies to grow up without their mother.

It has been three days since that kiss.

Paris is nowhere to be found.

You worry about him.

'Where can he possibly be?'

You know that he is strong and can take care of himself but it hurts to think that he didn't even bid you farewell.

You guessed that it must have something to do with the mafia's grand ball that will take place in the City of Atlantis.

The ball has been all over the news, and even Aki asked you to join her. Having been attached to the kindhearted little girl who lost her parents at such a tender age, you promised to join her for the ball.

As for Rin... You have been avoiding him ever since that night. You don't know how to act with him around. You can't even look him in the eyes. Until now.

You were having tea in the garden when you noticed him approaching. It will seem so obvious if you suddenly make a run for it.

"Hey!" was all he said.

He sat parallel your seat and asked you, "Were you avoiding me?"

"No. As a matter of fact, I'm glad we have an opportunity to talk. I wanted to thank you for your hospitality and to inform you that I'll be leaving with Aki."

"Kissing you was not part of my hospitality."

"Then what was that all about?" you can't help but be hopeful.

"I don't know as well. These feelings are all new to me," he stood up and left.

Why does it feel less painful than you have imagined?

To be dismissed that way by Rin doesn't hurt as much as it's supposed to.

Rin was the reason why you came into this world, or at least that was what you thought. It was your love for him that brought you here, it is what made you cross this world.

'So why is it that his cold demeanor means less than it should have?'

And why was it that you keep thinking about someone else when he was kissing you last night?

The person you long for...

The person you wanted to see...

The person who annoys you and scares the hell out of you...

That person has left without saying a word.


Your POV:

Three days after arriving in the City of Atlantis and you were finally convinced by Aki to shop for new clothes since she claimed your clothes are hideous as they are.

You were given the luxury to explore girly kinds of stuff like dresses, pieces of jewelry, and dolls from world-renowned artisans inside the mall belonging to the mafias. It was inside a grand casino resort where you and Aki will be staying until the auction.

While you were strolling with several shopping bags on your shoulders, you bumped into a tall man with broad shoulders.

"Watch out," the man said while helping you up.

"Here, let me carry some of those for you," he offered, pointing to the shopping bags you were carrying.

He was around six feet, if not more, you estimated, just an inch shorter than Paris and Rin who were about the same height.

Daisuke, you recognized him of course. The deepest set of blue eyes that hypnotizes you to look at him some more, and the thick silver hair that makes him look regal and deadly.

The broad shoulders, the tall physique, brooding eyes, and that careless beautiful smile adorned by the sweetest set of dimples. You simply cannot mistake him for anyone else.

But while Paris is crazy handsome, and you were drawn to Rin's mystery, Daisuke's appeal comes from the fact that he looks every inch the boy-next-door who can promise you eternal bliss.

'Gentlemanly and mindful of his manners, any sane woman can fall for his charms with a simple hello.'

"Thank you, but I don't know you. How can I possibly impose," you replied, flustered.

"I'm Daisuke Kane, it will be my pleasure to help you with those," he smiled that kind of smile that makes any woman's heart melt.

And you wondered if you are one of those silly women who easily falls for the charm that was his alone.