
A day before the grand ball.

The phone kept ringing, so you decided to pick it up.

"Maru speaking. Who is on the line please?" You answered half expecting room service staff to answer.

"Meet me, 2 pm at the cafe, the one you recently had a date at. If you fail to do so, the little girl dies."

You noticed a red bright light that appeared on Aki's forehead. Your grip on the phone tightened and you asked, "Who are you?" as you ran towards the window and tried to find where the sniper was hiding. You can't see anyone suspicious, in fact, the whole area outside was covered with trees.

Aki continued to play with her dolls, unable to sense what was happening at the moment. That was when you realized she has not been trained as an assassin.

The tragedy that befell the great family of Saitos made it impossible for Aki to learn the craft at such a young age. Due to trauma, the little girl can't possibly live the life of an assassin.

She has become just an ordinary little girl, so far from the character you have described in your novel.

The person at the end of the line ended the call before you can ask him for further details.

You know that you have no other choice but to oblige. You have to protect Aki even if it is the last thing you do.


2 p.m.

You followed the instruction to the letter.

Not knowing what to expect, you simply waited.

"Woman, come with us," commanded by a man with a really large belly who was accompanied by a small bald man.

You know these people. You've written about them. They are members of the ruling mafia group in Belmore.

Not wanting to have civilian casualties, you followed them and got inside a limousine waiting for the three of you.


You arrived at the mansion of the ruling mafia group.

"Where am I? What do you want from me?" you asked your captors bravely, hoping they cannot see through your facade.

"You are Daisuke's woman, are you not? We have seen him talking with you, looking at you like you are the most precious thing in the world. That rat wanted to be the head of the mafia for so long, and will surely take this opportunity to strike," the fat-bellied man spoke.

"Therefore, we need a collateral to make sure he behaves. And what collateral can exceed the value of his beloved girl? We will release you once the grand ball is over. But if he causes any trouble it is off with your head, pretty girl." The bald man had a sinister smile plastered on his face as he locked the door behind him, leaving you in the tallest tower of the grand mansion.

This scene is not supposed to happen. You simply have no clue what will happen next. You trembled at the thought of being dead. You are not the least prepared.

What happens when you die inside the story? The story has no heaven and hell. Will that make you a ghost, or will you simply cease to exist?

With such deranged thoughts running inside your head, you screamed as loud as you can.

Realizing no one will possibly come to your rescue, you simply surrendered yourself to your fate.


Rin Saito's POV:

"Rin, it's Daisuke." Rin picked up his phone and stared at the unregistered number while listening to Daisuke's voice.

"What do you want?" Rin asked coldly.

He has never been fond of Daisuke and his own brand of mafia.

"I would like to avail of your services. I want you to assassinate the Devils."

The Devils is the nickname of the ruling mafia group who is to hold the grand ball a few hours from now.

"I can't. It will result in conflict with my interest. You see, I was hired as their bodyguard."

"I am aware. But I know you can't turn me down," Daisuke answered.

"Why did you even think that? My work always takes precedence."

"They have her, your woman." Rin felt his hands went cold.

It doesn't matter how Daisuke knew about her.

As long as it's her, Rin knew he has no choice.

He must save her.

For he can't possibly live without her smile.

No, it will be far difficult to survive.


Paris Le'blanc's POV:

I was listening to their conversation. The dark-eyed assassin and my boss entering into a contract of service.

Rin had no idea that I was the one who told Daisuke about Maru.

I would have preferred to save her alone, but as I was part of Daisuke's group, I simply can't do as I please. I have to somehow contribute to their plan to wreak havoc. We need to destroy the ruling mafia group tonight. This is our only window of opportunity to do so.

The only way to save her without compromising my own interest is to have Rin involved.

Luckily, I had no difficulty in convincing Daisuke, not after he found out that the services of Rin have been secured by the Devils.

It will be hard to deal with Rin, even for Daisuke. The victor in such a fight cannot be certain. Rin Saito has been trained all his life to be a merciless killing machine, such an enemy cannot be easily defeated, not even by someone as powerful as Daisuke Kane.

The ruling mafia group's pockets run deeper than the ocean, and they will use every penny just to ensure their safety. Even if it means contracting Rin's services known to cause billions of dollars per hour.

I doubt Rin will be in any real danger in taking out the Devils. And Daisuke is a very generous employer if I may say so myself. Perhaps this is one of the many reasons why I respect him to a certain extent as a leader.

While he was never my boss in the real sense of the word, I have learned to respect him as well.

This trait of his makes me crave to fight him to the death.

For someone as honorable as Daisuke to meet his death in my own hands will be epic.

But for now, we must save her.

That woman. My woman.

If I need to play with everyone, break each of my comrade's trust, have everyone die for her sake... it will be worth it... if it means saving her.

She is the most precious thing in the whole world to me, so it makes sense that she takes precedence above all.

They have always believed I was the devil anyway, so what evil will it cause if I play them like the great puppeteer with strings.

Nothing can possibly be more important than her.

She whose smile makes me forget all the ugly scars I once had... that I still have.

I need to have her back.

I need her safe. By my side.

My beautiful porcelain doll.

She... belongs to me.


You were at the top of the tower surrounded by hundreds of guards and feeling completely devoid of hope.

Then you heard that voice, a deep baritone voice laced with mischief.

"Your new name, what are you looking sad for?" The artist's voice.

"Paris, you came."

"Of course I came. How can I let them take you away," he said in a serious non-theatrical voice you were not that familiar with.

"But the Devils."

"They were taken cared of. Come." He held up his hands like a gentleman and he waited for you to take it."

You were waiting for Rin to save you. In the novel, Rin was the one to save Aki.

But considering the situation, you took Paris' hand, and he smiled.

You were just leaving the tower when Rin arrived.

"Hey," was all he said. Completely lost for words as he stared at you and Paris' hands intertwined.

"Rin," you tried to explain.

"I disposed of my own clients thinking you needed saving. I guess I was wrong."

Rin looked so hurt. You wanted to break away from Paris but he held your hand tighter.

You wondered if Paris planned all of these. For Rin to see you in this situation.

"Oh Rin, you are right of course. Whatever you are thinking. You must of all certainty believe it," Paris interjected. He was back in his jesting self, and with that self-assured smile of his.

"Is that right?" Rin said and walked away.

Every step he took away from you, you wondered if you will ever see him again.

He looked really hurt. Your heart hurt seeing him like this.

No, Rin Saito is as cold as ice so the slightest hint at an emotion means is almost unfathomable.

You know, because you understand him most of all.

That is why you desperately wanted to run after him, to reach out to him at that instant.

But Paris does not let go.

He hugged you from behind.

"Let him. Please let him be," Paris whispered in your ears, as Rin Saito's back gets smaller by the distance.