PARIS: Wish Upon His Death

You heard your kids shouting at each other.

They fought each other again. With your daughter crying so hard after.

"Mom, YSN is making me so mad. I hate him so much."

"Well you can hate me all you want, but I'll always be Mom's favorite," YSN hugged you tight hoping you will take his side.

"Hmmm... Come take a walk with me," you lead the way and took a short stroll with the kids.

"You know, we love you both equally," you assured them as you took a seat in the sand and let your toes touch the calm cool waves of the sea.

"Really, Mom?" they both asked at the same time.

"Of course. You are half me and half the person I love," you said as you looked at the waves.

"Could you be referring to me?" Paris asked as he sat beside you.

"Of course, silly," you said as you rest your head on his shoulder.

"You know I never really thought I can love anyone. Anyone at all," Paris said as he embraced you with one arm while embracing your kids with the other.

"Hmmm, Dad, are you happy that we were born?" YSN asked.

"Of course, my dear. Why did you ever doubt that?" Paris asked, serious this time.

"Well, you could have been the strongest person alive if not for us. We take most of your time doing useless things, like bonding with us."

"You know, being with you is the most important thing in my life," Paris confessed in a serious tone.

He looks so much more handsome when he is like that, you gushed.

You smiled.

"Dad, when did you know you love Mom?" YSN asked.

"When I asked her if it was my heart she's going to break again. It was at that time that I knew I am ready to get hurt for this woman."

He smiled now. Reminiscing that day.

"And Mom, when did you know you love Dad?"

"When he fought with Daisuke and almost died."

"Dad almost died?" both of the kids shouted, their eyes widened in surprise.

"Hey darling, should you really tell that story to the kids?" Paris asked, bewildered.

"Well, they asked me," you smiled. "But you're right. I'll edit out the violence and the part where you almost died," you whispered in his ear.


"You are sad again. Do you plan to be sad for the rest of your life?" Paris asked while you were absentmindedly stirring the rice that you were cooking.

"I don't know," you answered honestly.

"Then tell me this, do I need to kiss you or do I need to kill him?"

"Kill who?" you asked.

"The one who made you this way. I'll tear him from limb to limb. I'll eat his heart out and feed him to the dogs," he said.

"Paris what are you talking about?" Before you can say anything more he left.


And there you are after a week, in that Godforsaken arena of Dragon's Lair shouting Paris' name over and over as his body fell almost lifeless to the floor.

Daisuke looked at you with a pained expression on his face.

He left together with the others, the Wolves united behind their boss.


You ran to Paris's side and shook him, he has fallen unconscious.

When you started crying, he finally woke, "Oh my bad, I lost," he said, amused at himself.

"You jerk! Why did you get yourself almost killed like that?"

"Because you failed to decide," Paris said as he stared at you.

"Decide about what?" you asked, confused.

"Whether you'd rather let me kiss you or kill him. I thought it means you want the latter. Won't you just heal me with your ability?"

You kissed him and his body was instantly healed.

"Oh, I feel good. Good as new," he said in that fake melodrama voice of his.

He is trying to make you stop from crying.

"You know, your healing ability is more effective with me than with Rin. What do you think is the reason?" he asked, trying to get your mind off his death.

"I don't have any idea," you shrugged as you realized what he was doing.

Tears fell from your eyes at a faster rate.

"Hey! I'm trying to stop you from crying, and here you are bawling your eyes out!" he said as he gently wiped your tears away.

"I know. That's why I'm crying!" you shouted at him.

"I don't understand," he smiled as he cupped your face to look at him.

"I'm perfectly fine now you see," he said as he stood up to show you his perfectly healed body.

"Handsome as always," he chuckled.

"Stop! Just stop that nonsense!" you shouted and hugged him. Your tears can't stop from falling.

"Why are you crying?" He hugged you and whispered to your ears.

"I'm crying because you are stupid. You risked your life because someone hurt me. You almost died before my eyes and now, without thinking about yourself for a second, you are trying to make me laugh! You almost died, you know! You almost died!" you yelled at him as you punched his chest over and over again.

He didn't move and just hugged you.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Hush, my dear, I'm sorry," he said over and over until you finally calmed down.

"What do you want to do to celebrate my new life?" he asked.

"Promise me you will never let your enemy prepare that way again before a fight. Promise me you will strike at your enemies without giving them an advantage. Promise me you will kill them all without much risk to yourself," you said as you finally hugged him back.

"I promise," he said as he kissed your hair.


"And that was when I knew I love your dad," you said as you kissed Paris's cheek.

"That was a sweet story, Mama," YDN yawned.

You looked at the sky and noticed it's getting dark.

"Hey, let's go home. It's time for the two of you to sleep," you said as Paris pulled you to stand up. He carried YSN and YDN in his arms.

Such strong arms. I'm lucky to have him for a husband.

You followed them inside the house, smiling, thinking to yourself how lucky you have been to be part of this new world, with the ones that matter to you most right by your side.


When you finally went to your room and laid down to sleep, you hugged him.

"Oh, do you need anything?" he asked. He was obviously naughty.

"Not that," you said as you hugged him tighter.

"Oh, what a pity. You can change your mind later," he said as he hugged you back.

"So what is this hug all about?" he asked.

"I just want to feel you near. I want to be sure that you are alive. You are not allowed to die, do you hear me?"

"Yes. I know," he kissed your forehead and whispered, "Stop worrying. I have every intention to live forever with you."

You felt your anxiety disappear while he whispers over and over that he will never, ever leave.

Then you fell asleep right after telling him.

"I love you so much, Paris."