RIN: Sinclaire

I woke up, startled by the knocks from my bedroom door.

I find myself unable to recall anything, so why do I feel this unexplainable heart-wrenching pain, like I lost a loved one.

Like I lost someone very important.

I heard my mom's voice as she knocked on my door.

"You will be late for school! You better wake up now Maru, it's past 6 a.m."

I shut down the computer and opened my door with tears brimming in my eyes.

I hugged my mom and said, "I missed you, Mom." She hugged me back without any questions.

"Did you break up with a boyfriend?" she asked as she tried to comfort me with her hug.

We had breakfast, my dad giving me the stares like he wanted to ask why I looked so sad but Mom held his hand as if to tell him not to ask anything.

I was with my family, my siblings eating wholeheartedly. They have my appetite, this would have made me smile at any other time.