RIN: The Professor

Your pov:

I was late again. I rushed into our classroom and was frozen in place when I looked at the new Criminal Law professor.

'He is Atty. Akito?' I couldn't believe myself as I stood there with my mouth wide open.

The man who looked so much like the book character I fell in love with was standing before the class and introduced himself as the replacement for Atty. Hiro.

My mind was blank as I sat beside my best friend Stephanie.

Sinclaire arrived a few seconds after me and took the seat to my left. He looked surprised as well.

He seems to be in a very foul mood.

Professor Akito looked at me and then at Sinclaire, his facial expression unchanging.

He asked me to stand up and to answer the question for our recitation, he pointed that I arrived late with my boyfriend so I must think his class will be a walk in the park.

His face was unchanging but his words were sharp. It stings my heart.

Why do his words hurt so much?