Book 2: His Mistake

"Maru, stop running. Stop running away from me all the time," I felt his hand on my wrist, and then a pull towards him.

He was hugging me from behind now, his lips against the back of my ear. This move, of course, it can only be from the Casanova.

"You are driving me insane, so stay right here with me and compensate," Paris's deep baritone voice just made me hot all over.

Now, I'm like a sundae ice cream against the heat. Melting with each touch as he pulled me closer to him and used his arms to prevent any struggle. Damn these men and their strong physiques! How can I have made them so, and now be the one to suffer the consequences?

"My beautiful Maru, why do you hurt me so? Why make those sounds for the childish prince? I wanted to barge in and kill him, prince or not, but I was prevented by thinking of your sake," Paris's arms tighten around me, now I can feel him, his hard erection just making itself felt.

"Paris, unhand me, please... Someone might see us, please Paris," I pleaded with him, hating the fact that he has cornered me just behind the stairs.

Anyone who might use the stairs will be able to see us in this compromising situation. Who knows what will become of us then?

Selene is a powerful kingdom and the royalty takes pride in their dignity. It was what got the villainess on Rin's story killed in the first place! Must I repeat the same mistake for her then?

My tears began to fall and when Paris felt his arms getting wet from it, he let me go. But when I tried to run, he blocked my way.

"I'll do everything you ask from me, whether it be hiding, becoming invisible, or killing anyone who might be in the way. Just, stop trying to run away, Maru, I can't stand being away from you. I need you close to me, like how we always had been," Paris's eyes were intense, as if he meant every word.

He is far from his usual carefree self, in front of me is a different side of Paris that I have not written about in the novel.

He was supposed to be heartless and cruel, playing only with women's feelings until he meets the protagonist. I'm not the protagonist, if at all, I'm the protagonist's rival. So why is he behaving this way towards me? Is this one of the Casanova's tricks?

Why on earth does he appear to be in so much pain because of me? Before I can stop myself I was caressing his face, our bodies almost touching.

I was mesmerized by his beautiful pink hair set against the contrast of his murky golden eyes. I realized I have never seen something as lovely as the odd combination of the colors of his eyes and hair. It was so strikingly beautiful you simply cannot take your eyes away from it.

Then, before my mind can comprehend what he intends to do, he was holding my wrist and pulling me close to him.

He pushed me against a nearby wall, just underneath the palace's grand staircase. I felt his throbbing hard length being pressed against my core.

Though we are fully clothed, I can still feel his enormous size and girth just as he moved his hips against mine, teasing me in a manner he knows any woman will respond.

With that thought I pushed him away. Am I being played just like the entire population of women in the kingdom?

I slapped him hard across his cheeks and he chuckled, he laughed quite painfully so.

"Why Maru? Why do you allow the prince to do those things to you, and yet reject me so cruelly for it? Don't tell me it is because of the engagement, we both know it's a sham. That man can never feel for you even just half as much as I need and want you, Maru," Paris said angrily before he kissed me once again.

And like any of his conquest, just like any girl... I wasn't immune to his charms. I felt him exploring my mouth with his tongue, tasting, sucking, dancing with the inexperienced counterpart it found inside.

"You are so beautiful, Maru. I have always wanted to kiss you so. You have no idea how much I have always wanted you," he whispered against my ear before he kissed me once again. His hips were pressing on my core and making me feel just how hard he actually is. Then he started making those lewd motions thrusting and then giving me a bit of reprieve and then thrusting once again.

I have never watched something like this even in a pornographic film, and have never actually realized a woman can enjoy the feeling of an erection being pressed against her core even when both parties are fully clothed.

It's like he was teasing me for what is to come if I say yes to him. He was giving me a taste of what a true Casanova can do to the body of an innocent.

"Maru, I'm hot for you Maru. Damn it, I want you so bad, you have no idea how much you are driving me insane. You have to end your engagement with the prince, and marry me instead," Paris whispered against my ear.

I pushed him away with all my might and ran away far from him. I felt my cheeks getting wet from my tears. Nothing has changed, after all, Paris is still destined to kill me if I give him the chance.

In his alternative love story, my engagement with the prince was broken off, and he proposed himself as a candidate for my hand. But as soon as he meets the protagonist, his entire mind became occupied by nothing else but her and refused to go on with the engagement.

Out of anger and humiliation, I plotted to kill the protagonist. My best friend and my lover, Paris, betrayed me and had me killed instead. Few months after I died, they got married, not even waiting for a year out of any respect a woman of my stature deserves.

Yes, the alternative romantic stories were tragedies in so far as the villainess is concerned, as in all those times, she really did love each of the male leads wholeheartedly.

On my way out, I saw the gardener's son leading a black stallion to the stables. I asked him to hand me the reigns instead, and having seated myself, I took off with it, not looking back even as I heard Paris's footsteps running after me.

Why do I have to be reborn in this stupid book, as the villainess who must suffer a terrible fate? Haven't I suffered enough in my previous life? Why can't I be granted a long life to live?

I wrote this book out of anger for myself, for my own imperfections. Is this my penalty for hating myself that much?

Wasn't it unfair that I didn't even know I will be the villainess? If I knew rebirth on books is possible, then I would have made my avatar the protagonist instead.

But alas, I was cheated by fate once again! If gods are true, then, they must have hated every cell of my being to make me suffer like this.

My tears were nonstop and my eyesight started to get blurry, but even then, I did not bother to halt.

I just wanted to get away from it all! I just wanted to live a safe and comfortable life.

If the gods hate me this much, then I must do something they have never expected. I must learn to fight against my destiny!