BOOK 4: Only Mary

Mary silently continued to eat, unable to notice their interactions. She heard his voice so she looked up at him,

"Captain, did you say anything?"

Andrew turned to Mary and smiled warmly, "You were looking beautiful today."

"Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself, captain," she stammered, still unused to them being so open about compliments. They have been hiding how they feel for so long, so hearing him say these sweet things overwhelmed her.

"Thank you, my queen," he smiled and continued to finish his meal.

"I should lead you to your chambers," Cinderella pasted a fake smile on her lips as she stood up from her seat.

Mary holds into Andrew's arm, finding comfort in his warmth as the land of the faeries suddenly felt too cold.

"How about you give us a tour of the town?" Andrew felt something sinister about the place so he made the suggestion, hoping to take the opportunity to look around.