BOOK 4: Rabbits

A satisfied moan came out of her lips, "Andrew..." her fingers tugged on his hair as he sucked on her breasts like a hungry child.

"Yes, my queen," he kissed her nipples and squeezed them gently.

"This is addicting", she complained as she arched her back from the pleasure he was giving her. Her nails scratched on his back as her fingers traveled down his spine, feeling every scar of his like some treasured memoirs.

He moaned while sucking on her nipples as she drew art on his back. He gently nibbled on her nipples, careful not to cause her pain.

"That's the goal, honey," he teased her as her legs glided against his, not knowing how else to let him know how much she needs him.

He loves that she was acting on instinct and was rubbing against his body desperately. He loves her innocence and how she is not learned in the art of seduction.

"Andrew," she moaned out his name as she blushed when she felt his erection poking against her entrance.