" I loved my wife dearly, right from the start. We were high school lovers and against her father's better judgement, got married. Everything was moving smoothly for us. We had everything ; wealth, Fame. But one thing remained unsolved.
Despite all the expensive treatments, local and international, we still remained childless. At first, I was wasn't bothered because I had known from the start that there was no way we were going to have our own children."
He gulbed, blinking away the tears that had started gathering.
"Why do you say that? Was it your fault? Did you have a problem?"
Phoebe couldn't help but ask. She still couldn't understand why this stranger sat before her recounting a story that was obviously too painful remembering. But she listened anyway.
Benson shook his head.
" I was perfectly fine. But my wife wasn't, and I knew. I had known four years before marriage."
"What was wrong with her?"