Chapter 14 - More problems is coming

Zed pov's on

I woke up very early that morning, I hadn't been able to get much rest during the night. Too many images and memories of Yone ran through my mind, and wondering what happened to him… It left me in shock.

I've been haunted all night by those thoughts.

I got up slowly from the bed, I was exhausted, my head ached and my body felt heavy.

I put my foot down on the icy castle floor and walked slowly to the bathroom.

I decided to take a cold shower to wake up. Maybe the cold water in the morning would do me good.

I took off my clothes and went under the water. My body shivered completely in contact with the icy liquid. The low temperature caused the muscles in my body to contract, causing me to wake up almost completely.

I did my morning hygiene and left the bathroom drying my hair. I went to the dresser across from the bed and grabbed some clothes.

As I always came and stayed a few days with her, I got used to leaving a few extra pieces of clothing in the bedroom, a bedroom that I used so much that I started to call it "mine".

I dressed in a white tank top and baggy black pants, quickly finished drying my hair and left the room.

I went towards the kitchen, so I could eat something and then go for a walk, since apparently they would take a while to wake up that day.

I reached the kitchen and searched the cabinets for something I could make coffee.

After rummaging through the cabinets, I let out a laugh and remembered.

Syndra always forgets to buy basic groceries, as she only eats the fruits and vegetables from her plantation.

I left the kitchen and walked towards the bedrooms, when I was passing near the corridor that led to the other side of the castle, I heard some noises coming from the end of the corridor. I walked quickly to check what it was.

I saw Riven sneaking out of the room. Did she and Yasuo do something during the night?

-Good morning, babe! How was the night? -I looked at her and laughed.

She jumped up and turned to me, her eyes blazing.

-Shhhh! -She said as she held the latch and placed her other finger over her lips.

I raised my arms in surrender.

-It's ok. -I spoke lower. -What are you doing at this hour?

-I'm hungry and I can't sleep anymore. – She said as she walked away from the door.

-Did you kill someone to keep talking low like that? I whispered back.

-Go to shit! Yasuo is sleeping, he drank a lot last night and is dying of a headache. -She said agitatedly.

-If he was sleeping, how do you know he has a headache? -I said mockingly.

-Because I read fucking minds! When I went to get up he grunted and asked me not to make too much noise, as he had a headache and wanted to sleep more. -She closed her eyes.

-How nice, Noxiana! You seem like a great person. -I smiled at her and made a cute pose.

-I know that every Noxian has a reputation for being an asshole. But not everyone is like that. Really. I'll show you this. -She smiled.

I smiled along and asked her.

-Want to go to the village with me? Syndra forgot to buy the basic groceries again, so I'm going to buy some stuff. – I spoke as we walked.

-Classic. She always does that. -Riven said with a calm face, probably was already used to it. -Need to get money? In case you need it, I'll wait for you at the entrance. -She said as she walked away.

-I'll get some money, I'll be right back. Just a minute. -I spoke as I started to run to go faster

I ran to my room, opened the drawers and took a bag with some coins, and then ran back to the living room.

As I passed the living room, I looked at the sofa and saw Syndra's gift there. I slapped my forehead.

-How disappointing Zed! -I spoke to myself.

I had forgotten to give her the gift.

All right, I delivered later.

I walked to the door and found Riven sitting on the floor, lost in some thoughts.

- Thinking too much, little Riven? -I spoke as I lowered myself to your side.

-Much. I have decisions I need to make. -She smiled weakly.

-Do they not sell a liter of decisions in the Vila? Maybe I can help you a little. -I made a face completely mocked for her.

She scrunched up her face and gave a fake laugh as she showed me her middle finger.

-Let's go? -I spoke as I stood up. -Good luck with your plans.

I reached out my hand to help her up.

We walked to the edge of the island and Riven told me with a huge smile on his face.

-How is it going to be? Are we going to throw ourselves from up here? Thus? In the hard face? – She laughed then.

-Of course! Want a little push? -I spoke while crossing my arms and looking down. Riven was a lot shorter than me, so it was kind of funny having to bend down so far to talk to her.

-How funny Zed! I would love you to help me in this difficult task. -She said while crossing her arms and looking up.

-You're shorter than I expected. -I laughed as I bent down to talk to her.

-And you're taller than I expected. And I'm about average, OK?! It's you who are too tall! -She said while showing her tongue.

I laughed out loud, which made her laugh too.

She was really different from the great Noxian mass.

I lifted my fingers and on its tip a small purple sphere appeared that released some electrical discharges.

-Syndra gave you one of those too? -She looked curious to the sphere.

-Yea. I needed some means of transport to get here.

She held onto my arms and soon the little sphere sent us to a hidden alley in the village.

-What do you want from the market? Give me some coins and I'll bring it to you. -She said while checking to see if there were people passing nearby.

-I can go with you, no problem. -I said as I approached.

-Relax, I'll go alone. -She smiled sweetly.

I gave her ten coins and she laughed.

-Why are you laughing? -I asked.

-Because I'll only need five of them. Trust me. What will you want? -She said while giving me five coins.

-But Riven, I want food, not drugs. Five coins buy nothing. -I made a sad face for her.

She just laughed.

-What do you want then? -She said with a huge smile on her face.

- Bring a kilo of rice, a few pieces of meat, bread, some jellies or something like that to spread on our bread, milk, coffee, half a kilo of sugar, flour and a dozen eggs.

-Jelly does not need, Syndra makes some. They're inside one of the lower closets.

-All right. Can you remember everything?

-Are you driving me crazy? Of course yes! -She said while twisting her mouth Do you want me to bring something else? Like, your mother? - She said while laughing. -I will be right back.

I leaned against the wall as she walked awkwardly out of that alley.

It was strange to think that she was a Noxian, and even stranger that someone like her was Syndra's friend. The two of them seemed to differ so much, but actually, it was me who didn't fully know Syndra.

A few minutes passed, and soon Riven returned full of paper bags, and in the distance the tinkling of liquor bottles could be heard.

She could barely carry so much stuff.

-Did you rob the market? Look how much stuff you brought! -I exclaimed scared.

-Holy crap. Do you two always ask the same questions? What a hell. -She said sullenly. -I seduced the old man from the market, again, so I got everything cheap. Understood? -She said right after letting out a long sigh.

I had to laugh around her whether I liked it or not, she was comical.

-I get it, stay calm. -I took some shopping to help her with the weight.

After organizing our packages and bags, we headed back to the castle. While we packed, we talked about everything. She was a kind and nice woman to have around. He was very smart too, and said a lot of nonsense, which got me a lot of laughs as we organized the kitchen.

Zed pov's of Irelia pov's on

My eyes were burning, and they weren't from sleep, they were from hate. I had ridden all night, the poor animal was already showing clear signs of exhaustion, while I couldn't rest for a second at all.

-We're already arriving dear, you will rest. - I gave the animal a brief caress that snorted in response.

Thank the gods we were already reaching the Capital, the first gate was already in my sights.

I quickly arrived at the entrance to the city. As he rode, he shouted orders to the soldiers standing there on guard.

ME GET ME ANOTHER MOUNT! THIS ONE NEEDS CARE, IMMEDIATELY! -He said as the animal started to stop for me to get off him.

-Thank you dear. – I put my face in the animal's fur and thanked him for the great job he did for me.

One of the soldiers who looked after the gate approached me and I told him.

- He traveled all night and is very weak. Take care of him very well, or who will be weakened will be you! I shot the soldier with my gaze and he gulped.

Quickly the other soldiers brought me a horse, already saddled and ready for a race. I mounted and then left for the last part of my journey.

The climbs to the temple were tiring, the poor animal would reach the capital begging for rest.

With each impulse the animal gave to run faster, the more my heart filled with anxiety, almost at the same time that with each beat he gave, a seething impulse coursed through my veins. The animal's heavy breathing represented that it was already with its lungs begging for rest. The climbs to the Capital were excruciating, steep and demanding of the animals.

But I needed to abuse the poor animals, I needed to get to the Elders as quickly as possible, they needed to know that that bastard was alive. THEY NEEDED TO ACCEPT THAT YONE WAS KILLED BY HIS OWN BROTHER.

In about half an hour I was already arriving at the temple of the high command of Ionia.

I stopped the animal in front of the temple and threw myself off it, ran full steam ahead to the big doors of the meeting room, walked over soldiers and people who were complaining loudly and clearly about my attitude. To hell with their complaints.

I reached the council room, thrust my hands into its big doors, and then flung it open screaming.

Complaints and more complaints were pouring in from behind that door.




-What does that mean, Grand Commander? – Lord of the Elders raised one of his hands and soon the other monks and elders were silent.

I looked towards him, desperate.

-YASUO IS ALIVE! IT WAS HE WHO KILLED YONE! -I was breathing unevenly.

He spoke as he walked to the large coffee table.

The elders and monks stared at me in awe. While the Lord looked at me seriously, without showing any reaction.

I understood what he wanted.

If I were to get what I wanted, I would play your game.

I took a deep breath and glared at him with my eyes.

I adopted my typical commander posture and expression. I walked to the big door and closed it slowly, listening to its long, low noise.

The old man sat up and stared at me.

- Report. -He said in his husky tone.

-But Lord… -I spoke as my eyes began to fill with tears.

-Sit down, Irelia. -He said.

I walked to the only empty chair at the table and sat down. Staring at him.

-Sir. - I spoke slowly, while taking a deep breath

Trying to stay calm.

-Mission report.

I'm still going to kill this old man.

-Mission report. -I spoke in a serious tone. – We went to the Mountain of Dark Sovereign, in the small Village of Illegal Tournaments. We went after the organizers again, to put an end to that party of illegal money and unleashed bloodletting. -Snorted. – We arrived and soon there was a very big tumult, people running and hiding from us officers, we went to the known houses of certain organizers and again nothing came of it, they disappeared like smoke in the open sky.

He was staring at me with his scary blue eyes, his hands were over his mouth, supporting his head as he and the others listened intently to my account.

-After the turmoil has subsided considerably. -I continued. - I saw movement on some nearby rooftops, and soon became alert. A few minutes later, I saw two figures running towards the Sovereign's floating islands. I could recognize from a distance that tousled and voluminous hair. It was Yasuo, running away with a small, white-haired woman. Probably some thief from the lower provinces. – The old man put his hands under the table, now paying more attention to the story.

-I believe he has some connection with the Sovereign, because when I went to meet them, they had disappeared from the island. -I nodded and finally, I was silent.

-This is a delicate situation that needs to be discussed among the members of the grand council. We won't be able to make rash decisions if he really has some involvement with the Sovereign. -He said while standing and the other members nodded.

-But you can't let him get away with it after what he's done. I CAN'T LET HIM GET AWAY! -I got up from the chair, pushing it back hard while slamming my hands hard on the table.

-We know you and Yone were married, but that can't interfere with your job as a commander. You've already hurt yourself too much because of this story. I don't want to have to send you for treatment again. -He said, harsh.

-Don't throw your brilliant career in the trash, Irelia! You were always the best, the brightest among them all! Don't screw it up for this damn story! -A small and old monk said in a calm and worried tone.

I couldn't take it anymore.


-If you continue to insist on this story, I will have to take drastic measures! -Sayed the Old Man with an irritable face.

-I want to see it then! -I scolded. -Do you think putting toy soldiers behind me will stop me, Old man? I WILL COME HERE WHEN THE FIRST SUNSHINE RIPS THE HORIZON, AND TOMORROW I WANT TO HAVE THE VERDICT! OR I WILL GO ON MY OWN AVENGE YONE! - I spat on the floor and walked out of the room, throwing open the doors to the hall again.

I didn't want to know what they were going to say from then on, I just know I'd fly that old bastard's neck if he said anything else. My blades were hot and restless and nervous, the core of my sword sparked, thus representing my current state. I left that place snorting, I snarled curses even at home, holding tightly to the tears that wanted so much to come out of my eyes. I have no idea where the horse I'd taken had gone, and I didn't care either.

I went home, worried, nervous, agitated, my head kept thinking and thinking. My stomach had turned, I felt tremendous heartburn, followed by a terrible pang. I needed to eat and shower, I needed to talk to Akali and Shen.

I needed.

I arrived home, devastated.

I thought about me and Yone, the little moments I was with him in such a short time. We spent a lot of our lives fighting and arguing with each other, and after we finally hit it off, it happened…this?

I would rather be dead than living without him in this place.

I entered my house, in that lifeless, colorless pitch. With nothing.

Our house was on the same street as Akali and Shen's house, they were our front neighbors. On that same street lived Kennen, a small Yordle who had moved to Ionia a few years ago. Yone wanted us to live on this street, as we had grown up there.

I was crazy about him since he knew me for people.

I walked slowly up the stairs, without any enthusiasm.

I ran my hands along the big wall of the stairs, we had chosen everything together, touching some part of the house, it was as if I was touching myself, trying to kill the longing that never went away.

I arrived in the bedroom, taking off my heavy, sweaty work clothes, tossing them in a corner near the bathroom door. I placed my sword on my bed, as it was the only part of my weapon I could leave anywhere I wanted, unlike the small four blades that floated above my head.

I went in my underwear to the bathroom and then turned on that wonder sent by Piltover and Zaun. Warm water ran down my body, relaxing my muscles and calming my thoughts. I washed my body calmly as I took off the rest of my clothes.

I sat on the cold bathroom floor and let the water wash away my thoughts.

Irelia pov's of Riven pov's On

-What an amazing Zed! I really didn't think you and Yasuo were childhood friends! -I spoke happily while eating a piece of bread sitting at the kitchen table.

-So it is! I didn't realize you knew the Sheriff of Piltover either! -He smiled at me.

-Yeah, right?! When I was running away from here, I hitchhiked on Big Sarah Fortune's old ship, and she told me to go straight to Piltover. There I would meet The Sheriff and her guard dog, she told me they were very nice people and would take care of me.

-And you mean you also know the great Miss Fortune? Big Riven, you've got some pretty influential friends out there! Is not it? – He said while taking a sip of his coffee.

-I'm awesome, right? Well, I summarized this story very well ok? On another occasion I explain everything correctly, and in much more detail. -I blinked at him. -I made great friends during these wanderings, and when I can, I'll tell many wonderful stories I have with them! -I gave a wide smile full of bread on my mouth. -But if you want, tell more about you, I'm curious to know what the great master of the shadows has to say. - I spoke while wiping my mouth.

-I imagine! I would like to hear these wonderful stories, and I really enjoyed getting to know you more. I really hope we can have other conversations like this…" Zed stopped and stared at the table. - I don't want to be inconvenient, you know, but can I ask you something?-He asked me a little afraid.

-Make yourself comfortable! Now you're my friend, you can tell!- I said as I punched another piece of bread in my mouth.

-I would like to know a little more about Syndra. I like her a lot, but I'm afraid to ask her the wrong things and she'll get mad at me. -He spoke embarrassed.

-Have you seen the things I do with her? Have you seen the things I say to her? NO! You didn't even see half of it. So ask her freely, she will be pleased to know that you are interested in her and in her life. But be careful! Ask nothing, absolutely nothing about the Elder and the restriction of powers. -I looked serious at him. -She can be very angry about it. In fact, she is capable of being very sad rather than angry.

-Can you tell me about it? He looked at me worried and curious as he settled himself on the hard wooden bench in the kitchen.

-Look Zed, I'll just tell you a few things ok? Not to leave you in the eternal curious. The rest I leave for her to tell you. Understood? – I approached him and spoke lower.

He nodded.

I looked around and swallowed the acorn of bread that had been in my mouth for minutes.

-First. She killed the Elder who founded this castle. Second. She killed the Elder because he sealed her power. -I spoke softly while eating something else that was on the table. -Third. The Elder wanted her powers, powers that were in her unconscious part. -I spoke low while chewing.

-What do you mean Riven? -He spoke quietly.

-Do you know these three islands? She and her power, her conscious power, hold it all together, for she did it and remembers it. -I looked around again. - Initially this was a "school", created to help her control her powers. Since from her birth she was extremely strong. People were afraid of Syndra and her parents, in that they murdered them in public, saying they were dark wizards and all. Syndra killed half the villagers to avenge her parents, this unconsciously. Because if you ask her about it, she won't remember what happened. -I took a breath and looked around for the third time, but this time to look for something to drink. -After that incident, a priestess found her passed out near the outskirts of the square when she was about five years old. The priestess spoke to her and adopted her, she took care of Syndra until she was nine years old. The priestess felt that something bad was going to happen to her, so she convinced Syndra to go to "school" and learn even more about her magic. So------I looked quickly to the side and heard footsteps.

I stuffed as much food as I could into my mouth and played crazy.

-Fuck Zed! This is very good! -I spoke with my mouth full while doing a little straight with my hand.

He tried to disguise it by taking a sip of coffee, which didn't quite work as he drowned and started coughing.

-Have you been making filth for this time Riven? -Yasuo came to the kitchen crawling.

-Ah Yasuo, suck my c... - I cut my own sentence by taking a sip from the bottle I found under the table.

-Hey hottie! How was the night? Zed asked, still red from his coffee.

-It would have been better if she had stayed quiet in bed. -She spoke while getting a glass of water.

I just heard Zed laugh.

-Wow, it's fine then. I DON'T SLEEP WITH YOU ANYMORE! -I complained.

-I didn't say I wanted to continue sleeping with you. -He laughed and took a sip of water.

-You sucker! -I threw a dish towel at him. - Stay there with your retarded friend Zed! I will wake up the love of my life. -I got up and left with nose in the air.

Zed gave a husky laugh and soon I heard nothing else coming from the kitchen.

I ran to Syndra's room, when I got to the front of the door, I crept over to the latch and opened it carefully, to make as little noise as possible. I closed the door carefully behind my back, and crept to her bed, when I got close enough I jumped on top of her and screamed.

-GOOD MORNING FLOWER OF THE DAY! -I yelled as I moved on top of her.

Syndra woke up with a start and started slapping me as I laughed on top of the mattress.

-WANT TO KILL ME, RIVEN? GET OUT! -She screamed while slapping me.

In the end, I stayed on top of her until she asked please and then I allowed her to go do her morning hygiene, while I was enjoying myself on that huge, soft mattress.

Riven pov's off Irelia pov's on

I swear I must have been underwater for at least an hour.

The warm liquid calmed my thoughts and my heart, thus helping me to put most of the things in their proper place.

I got up from the cold floor and closed the register, leaving the box I went towards the cloudy mirror to look at myself, rubbed my hands through the glass and soon I was.

Detonated and aged looking.

-Wow… - Out of the only things I was able to say after looking at my tired face.

I went to my wardrobe, grabbed some clean underwear and looked for something that didn't take a lot of effort to put on. I found some lost dress in the pile of clothes I had left in the wardrobe. I dressed him and looked for a little jacket so I could cover my arms, as that morning was slightly too cool.

I went down to the kitchen and picked up an apple tossed on top of a fruit bowl that was on a table in the middle of the kitchen.

I left my house heading to Akali's house, she was my best friend, she needed to know what was going on.

I came to their front door and knocked.

-Akali? -I asked low.

-I WILL ALREADY!-She yelled from the back of the house.

Before long she appeared opening the door, with some difficulty I would say. Should be holding something.

-Good morning Irelia! What makes us enjoy your company this morning? -She looked at me and smiled while stirring some cake batter or whatever with a wooden spoon.

-Good morning Akali! Well I need to talk to you. And it's a kind of urgent matter.

Akali closed her expression and went running to the kitchen to drop the pot she was holding.

She hurried back as she finished taking off her apron.

-You're looking very worried Irelia, sorry if I hadn't noticed. You can tell what's going on. -She sat on the couch and asked me to sit.

I sat on the couch and looked at her.

-I found Yasuo yesterday afternoon... -I sighed heavily. – And that means Yone is really dead, not missing! -I spoke the last sentence with some tears in my eyes.

Akali just put her hands over her mouth, and then her eyes were forming little tears.

-BUT... !-She spoke a little altered. Yasuo and Yone were great friends of theirs, I understood their pain.

-Yasuo killed him... -Now it was my turn to start crying.

She gave me trembling hands and said.

-Tell me everything, please! -She wiped the tears and returned to that serious posture, but sad and with tears in her beautiful little eyes.