Archive part 4


Sex: female

Vitality: 52/52

Mana: 0/0

Race: *hufien

Role: pleasure servant

Characteristic & situation:

A 46 year old woman with blonde braided bun hairstyle with blue seas pupils. She always worn glasses and western maid attire. Her height is about 240 cm. Though she in her middle ages, she retain her youthful beauty that makes her looks like she's on her early 20's.

She came from a poor family back in the Forham earldom and was taken by Ruald in her young age of 12 to served the Forham's. Thankful towards her master, she served the Forham mansion with devotion and diligence. But all was not well for her after Reed came to age. Because of her meekly manner, she was the most harassed servants in the mansion. Got assaulted while she's on her duty without consent, and not to mention she was Reed's target for his heinous acts. But even with all of the terrible things that befallen to her, she kept serving Reed and the mansion, as she has.

When Reed was sent to the academy, She followed him as his pleasure servant, 'willingly'. This because Ruald asked of her to looked after Reed, hoping that he could change to the better if he was to be sent to the academy for his punishment for his deeds. She greatly cherish Reed even though he's a scum and treat her badly.

Finding out that Reed thats now her master, tried to take his own life, (back in chapter 1), she was overwhelmingly shocked and rushed to his room. Though shockingly, Reed whom that time was Riel, aren't badly injured as to her thought before, she's relived but didn't show her feelings in front of her master. Things became more strange as the master she known before, started to show a change of his behavior, but in a good way. This makes her overjoyed that her master now had change for the better until Reed/Riel stopped taking advantaged towards her and indulged to pleasure himself. This makes her worried about her master's vigor.

In one incident involving Reed/Riel was charmed by Saraha, her wishes to serve her masters needs was fulfilled. But the now changed Reed/Riel asked he hand in marriage while confused. She was overjoyed by this. But remembering that she's a pleasure servant, not to mention that she couldn't get pregnant because of her lineage of a hufien, she quickly declined his offer even thought she was heartbroken by her own words.

After resolving herself, she continue to served Reed/Riel as a pleasure servant while hid her intimate feelings towards her beloved master.

She's extremely devoted towards Reed, her master.

Titles: (non nonsexist after becoming a pleasure maid)

Status: alive

*hufien was an offspring between mixed elfiemen and a human. Looked down as one of the most disgusting sub races and cant reproduce. Because of this, many hufien became sex workers and pleasure servants in this world. Don't had any magic affinity what so ever.



Sex: female

Vitality: 21/21

Mana: 25/25

Race: fox-kin (ferlien subs race)

Role: student/ club leader

Characteristic & situation:

A 20 year old woman that had red orange short hair with green pupils. Her height was only 110 cm tall, and had a small body figure of that of an elementary student. She usually worn the academy uniform. In a first glance, she can be mistaken as a male student because of her washboard chests. Though she was small, she's a second year student in the academy.

Admitted in the academy In the age of 18, she was always bullied by the other students from another race, thanks to her small stature. After gather students that was oppressed by the others like her, she created the magic research club to raised their magic affinity. Though this was looked down even by the teachers In the academy, she did so anyway.

After went through great struggles to invite students that could shared some of their knowledges for her club, she met with Reed/Riel after beaten up by the three stooges. She then invited Reed/Riel to join her club with a bit of 'persuasion'. With Reed/Riel's lectures, the null students now can used magic even though they only reached until level 3 spells at maximum.

With this, she began to had feelings for Reed/Riel who didn't treated her and her fellow club members with common bias, though she didn't showed them to Reed/Riel. But things became awkwardly intense for her when the 'accidental kissed' incident happen between her and Reed/Riel.

After the duel between Reed/Riel and Dort, she was heartbroken after seeing Reed/Riel's conditions. With Trysia's suggestion, she went trough the *rite of binding with him to healed his wounds. Thought after, she hid this information from Reed/Riel, resulting him treated her as his little sister. Her heart became complicated after that and didn't spoked the rite with Reed/Riel.

Titles: great leader (club), stupid brat, twerp, little angel

Status: alive

*Rite of binding is similar to a marriage ceremony that was common between couples for the fox tribe.


[Catherine Emiras]

Sex: female

Vitality: 810/810

Mana: 52/52

Race: elfien

Role: Royal instructor (retired)/ teacher (Academy adept class combat instructor)/ honored baroness

Characteristic & situation:

A 95 year old woman with dark green short bobcut hairstyle and blue pupils. She had a dark skin tone that were consider rare amongst the elfien race. Though she in her 90's, she had the looks of a young maiden who's on her 20's that with a beautiful fierce expression. Height about 290 cm and always worn a *light military uniform.

After gaining the title of Sword Maiden, she became a baroness and breaks of from the Ferran main family branch. She's still single and unmarried. This is not because she's not popular, but the condition that the person whom can defeat her in a duel. Countless man and women had challenged her, but none succeeded, thanks to her overwhelming strength.

Titles: Sword Maiden, hot teacher, the tide turner, battlefield demoness

Status: alive

*leather armor gear that was used by the military.


[Mirada Trigar]

Sex: female

Vitality: 760/760

Mana: 30/30

Race: ferlien

Role: Knight Captain/ berserker

Characteristic & situation:

A 68 year old woman with orange hair and pupils. She had a fit buffed body figure and towering almost 3.5 meters. Though she's on her 60's, she have a beautiful fierce facial structure of a young woman. Usually worn a leather armor with body suit that exposed her muscular figure. Still single but had multiple friends with benefits, regardless of their gender.

Have a rowdy and wild personality and a battle junkie. Likes to fight in desperate battles and really a hard head. Though she had the same sir name as Trysia, she's not belonging to the main family after she had been disowned.

Because of her admiration towards Ruald, her combat instructor, she tried to make advances towards Reed/Riel to get his 'seeds', out of her own desire to reproduce. But as the story progress, she seems to be developing feelings to Reed/Riel astonishing improvement.

Titles: Crimson Knight, rowdy captain, battle junkie, mad warrior, instructor from hell, respected leader, foolish niece, loyal soldier

Status: alive


Thats all for the notable characters for the first volume. Now for the supporting characters. I compiled only a simple explanation to their stats for now.

Additional characters;


Sex: female

Race: elfien

Role: Trysia assistant

Age: 25 years old

Height: 2.1 meters


Had a blonde ponytail hairstyle with blue pupils. Usually worn a nurse outfit as per her standard uniform as Trysia's assistant.

Status: alive

[Clarie Randel]

Sex: female

Race: human

Role: student

Age: 19 years old

Height: 1.9 meters


Had a blonde ringlets hairstyle with blue pupils. Had a western facial structures and usually worn the Academy uniform. Sibling to Heinzel and an open minded personality.

Status: alive

[Heinzel Randel]

Sex: male

Race: human

Role: underworld dog

Age: 34 years old

Height: 2.5 meters


A bald man with scars on his face. He almost had the same facial structures as Clarie, his little sister. Usually worn a leather vest and long pants. Had a buffed bodybuild and works only for money.

Status: bedridden

[Meinally Ortos]

Sex: female

Race: elfiemen

Role: high magician/ underworld boss

Age: 348 years old

Height: 2.3 meters


The violet witch. Had a long violet hairs that reaches her back and had the face of a young lady in her 20's. Usually worn a voluptuous witch attire. She also had a ring on her middle finger that she used as a magic catalyst for her mana. Though she acts like a slut towards those she wanted to bed with, she's a ruthless and merciless woman that will do anything for the sake of her desires.

Status: alive

[Pailard Kinch]

Sex: male

Race: human

Role: disciplinary committee head

Age: 43 years old

Height: 1.9 meters


Worn a wig to cover his balding hairs. Had a despicable demeanor and usually worn a suit. A coward and opportunist person.

Status: unknown

[Regor Torda]

Sex: male

Race: ferlien

Role: board member/ head teacher (stripped)

Age: 47 years old

Height: 3.4 meters


Had brown black spiky hairstyle and usually had a stern expression. One of Ruald's old friends along with Mirada and Varos. He usually worn a suit thats from the 17 century with brown and green dye.

Status: alive

[Varos Var Vortiga]

Sex: male

Race: human

Role: fort lord commander/ viscount

Age: 64 years old

Height: 3.1 meters


Bald head and blue pupils with a stern facial expression. He had a cane that he used to support his walk because of his knee injury. Usually worn a fancy armor with gold and mithril plated, aside covering his head. A loud person and likes to act casually towards the people he acquainted with.

Status: alive

[Carste Hans]

Sex: male

Race: elfiemen

Role: head fort secretary

Age: 109 years old

Height: 3.3 meters


Had short blonde hairs with green pupils. Had a young handsome facial structures and always worn a 17 century suit. Greatly admired the past heroes and had a room dedicated to worship all of the 5 members.

Status: alive

Some characters information will be added in the next volume achieves.
