Part 2

It took me about three hours for the chamberlain to set me with the clothing for the appointing ceremony. This because he keeps on ranting towards the servants that helped me in choosing the attires that I wanted. Telling me that to show my prestige, I must appeared strong and elegant if I were to be respected by the nobilities.

"Yes! That's the one! Its…. It's almost… this old one is…." (chamberlain)

I don't know why did he became so emotional like that, but if his happy, then it's okay. The attire that I'm wearing right now is a crimson stripes with navy blue overall get up. It looks like something of that a duke of France worn in the late 1400 for court ceremonial purposed. Though it looked kinda uncomfortable to wear earlier when I saw this dress, it doesn't feel that bad at all. It might be a little warmer if I must say so…