Part 3

On the next day, just about at noon. Riel went to the market district while in disguised. His appearance now looked like a middle age man with short hair brown color with blue pupils, a common face to be seen anywhere in this world. Upon reaching a familiar building in the market square, he enters the establishment and went to the counter where a bartender was serving a bald man who's laying his head on the counter while looking pretty drunk.

[this bastard… it's still noon and he already dead drunk.] (Riel)

Riel takes a seat next to the drunkard baldie and asks the bartender for a glass of liquor. The drunkard baldie slowly lifts his head and glared at Riel, annoyed.

"Who told you that you can seat next to me, asshole…? Hic.." (Heinzel)

[i see his polite as always...] (Riel)

Ignoring the bald man, who was Heinzel, the mad dog, Riel speaks lightly.

"I'm just using the one that's available…" (Riel)