Chapter 18

Two days later. A carriage bearing the dukedom of Dremeria are passing the capital streets while guarded by several mounted knights. 

"Mommy, mommy! Its the duke's carriage!" (little boy)

As it moves through the streets, crowds fills the sidewalks, trying to get a glimpse of the living legend, whom said to be the direct descendant of the sage king Vormorth. Adding more to his fame, after the royal court announced that he was responsible in saving the capital city against an unknown forces, many of the royal capital occupants regard him as a savior and hero.

"Its like your a celebrity, father…" (Ellusia)

Said her with a teasing tone. Riel replied her with an annoyed grunt. 

"Looking at how the people reacted, it won't be much difficult to influence these peoples to become the followers of your religion, Riel." (Elgard)

Said Elgard as he looks upon the crowds strong affection towards Riel.