Chapter 5 : My debutante dream

When the door opened there was a boy who looks adorable and dashing ..having brown hair as dad's and blue eyes as mom ; who was peeking at the side of the wall .. when I was looking at him with curiosity he gave a big smiles and ran towards me .




"Master Lorence at your presence !" he bowed . Then he dropped the formalities-




"Sister!" Then he grabbed onto my dress. His face was buried in my dress. Then his face popped up and he was still Smiling..





I stared at this precious little angel. My hands quivered as I slowly reached down to touch his  little fingers and feel the softness of his  skin. I ran the tips of my fingers very gently across his smooth face, and right away I got excited..

"So ...c-cute!!", I thought .



How can a person be this adorable ?! And even calling me sister . Her heart stroke with a love arrow . "Ah, I always wanted a younger sibling .. god keepers showering me with gifts !!" Then I -

"....Sister?", he tilted his head.

Oh...yes.. ? I looked at him.

"Are you okay ? Why aren't you calling me Loren like you usually do !!", he pouts . He still grabbed the lower part of my dress.

He was looking at me with puppy eyes ...

I grabbed my mouth and looked  away -



"As a cute brother as this who is talented in greeting and other" I have to do well as well as a big sis . I clenched my fist ! Whatever challenges comes I will be the one to protect this loving and precious family .. but first let me pinch his cheeks


I have learnt a lot of things in my etiquette classes and I have to attend my debuts at age of 18 . This will be my first ball...



Debutante balls may require prior instruction in social etiquette and appropriate morals. The dress code is evening dress: white tie and tails for men; strictly floor-length gowns for women. White opera gloves are still mandatory for female debutantes at the Vienna Opera Ball. Over the centuries, styles and fashion have changed.





And here I am .. getting scolded my by teacher ...

"Lady if you still can't do this , how are you supposed to debut ?!"

Sigh.. "it's still hard , ma'am !" My leg got stiffed and I was tired . I had to starve to lose weight because I'm been constantly eating sweets like heaven ..




"One more step !" I was showing off but my poor self tripped .

All my maids was astonished, "M-My lady !!!!"

"I'm O-Okay .. hehe." But can I really ..really do it ?!

                    ~~After one year ~~





To my Mom, to my Dad, thank you for everything you have done not only that night but also over the years you take care of me and guide me." -Your most loving daughter.





Girls sometimes talk about their wedding day. On what will be their dress like, how many people will be invited or how long they have to wait for their wedding day? Of course, there will be a lot of flowers, messages, tears and etc. for her to feel like she is a real queen. But, girls don't have to wait for long because of the celebration called "debut". This is a very special day for every girl as this also happens once in a life. It is one of those occasions that makes a girl's life complete.






Just like a wedding day, there will be a lot of flowers, tears and messages too, but the only thing that is missing in debut is the groom. Debut is being held on the 18th birthday of a girl. On this day, the debutant is also dressed with a very beautiful gown or dress. And what makes debut very special for girls? It is because, the debutant feels like she is a princess on that night.

But in the roses, there's a rule, the first man to dance her must be her father to show that the greatest man in her life will always be there to support and protect her. By this, the debutant will be considered both beautiful and "thorny."

All these blabbering are what I learned for the past year . You guys should also learn from me . At least if you understand I can know my worth.....

As I take a sip of my tea, "Mmm..this feels good!" I was in the tea room with Loren. He wanted to spend time with me .

"Don't worry sister ! I know you'll do good . I'm at the back cheering you up !"

"Ahh ! My heart !! ...All of my stress are gone thanks to you"

My debut is gonna happen at the Imperial Ball . A lot of girls in my age is gonna do their own debut too . So everyone is excited and waiting for this day -

Lizzy was combing my hair, "My lady , your debut is tomorrow! Aren't you excited ?"

*smiles* I sure am





Other maids came in to put my night gown . But I didn't see the oldest maid , Madame Murella. She is the head maid and she is the oldest in age . "Why don't I see her?"



One of my maids said , "Madame Murella is going through pain stage .. you know she has cardiovascular disease"


.....cardiovascular disease?

I suddenly remembered something. "Oh no!" My grandma has the same problem. What is happening to her right now ?? Who is taking care of her ??

My grandma often feels sick so I take care of her since no one does . She is the only family member who loves me ..!

I don't wanna lose her! What should I do?






I looked at my wardrobe ; the door's inside there -