Chapter 10 : Rumours

I was astonished to hear Loren's words . It was totally unexpected. Does that mean I encountered the prince of the concubine ..? But I don't know how he was ..

I told , " Can you tell me who he was ..?"

Loren sighed, " Sister even if you tell me the features I can't tell because I haven't seen both of the princes!"

"Yeah.. that's true .."

Loren looked at me worried . Then without saying anything he told my hand and took me to my family . Father and mother asked me where we were . I looked at Loren and he put his finger to his mouth to keep quiet about this . Well no wonder my parents would be worried about it .

"It's nothing … father .. mother!", I smiled.

We enjoyed the party as it is and went to our home as usual after this .




In the meantime when Marlin left the strangers room-

The Stranger stared until Marlin left the room . Then he went near the window and looked at the full moon and sighed. Suddenly from the dark place a tall butler like figure came to him.

"Your highness …it's unexpected seeing you like this ..", smiled the new guy.




The prince scoffed," …. really?" Maybe because I saw something that nothing happened . What's more unexpected I let her gone ..… *looking at his hand* alive that is …."



The butler figure laughed,"Well, she was just a noble lady but she wasn't the assassin because we already got rid of the assassins already , your highness"









The prince felt a relief for a moment of course . This doesn't mean that's the end of the coming of assassins . The prince assumed Marlin was a assassin that's why he treated like that . But seeing her crying face somewhat made him stopped attacking .

The butler started putting on his prince's chair for him to seat on . The prince looked upto the butler when he sat as the butler smiled at him.




His only aid and who is willing to risk his life for his prince ; Lanier Viden . He is good looking too but he looks scary most of the times and he doesn't have any title . Having disheveled red hair and black eyes. His hair colour is unique for which people mocks him all the time and makes him as lower caste .




Only the prince knew he was quite powerful like him.




The prince stared in blank outside the window . Lanier kept standing beside him without saying a word. The prince looking at Lanier said , " I swear I won't die before killing that criminal with my own hands"




Lanier nodded and with one knee ," For your wish to happen I swear to stand by your side and protect you"


After a brief discussion among both of them . It's been a long discussion about assassination and surroundings report .

The prince heard about how Royal families attended the party but his brother didn't . The current prince was confused thinking, " He was supposed to attend today .. what happened ..?"

It's already discussed between them that he wasn't going and his brother will but he didn't ..?




"Are you not gonna sleep now , your highness?", Lanier asked.

"I will but let me look at the moon for a little long . It's pretty today . It's been long the curtains moved and I saw it "

Lanier smiled, " As you wish ….."

Lanier made all arrangements. Then came the prince personal maid , Shilia. The butler personally selected her cause others can't be trusted . And shilia is given fighting abilities to protect the prince . There are too many dangerous situations near the prince ...






Shilia looking at the prince then looked at Lanier, "It seems the prince is looking different today .." *smiles* Its my first time seeing it . He's always different after "that" incident …



Lanier said, "I'm very curious about the girl ." I'm sure she is gonna change his life .



On the other hand Marlin forgotten about that incident staying in her enjoyment . She remembered about her grandma and made plans to visit her tonight! It's been long she visited her so she's worried if she's alight or not..




After everyone was asleep . Marlin quickly saw if the maids were around or not .. then she saw no one was outside . Even though that mysterious wardrobe was still in her room . But the count covered with various things so it will be little tough to remove it and it might create sounds which might bring the maids from outside and they might question for her behaviour ! That's why Marlin is remaining conscious … because one mistake can entirely bring problems.





After not making a noise .. she opened the door ! She stepped her bare foot on the cool grass it was night time .

She went to look for grandma . She was nearby sitting in her rocking chair . She quickly came and hugged from behind , "Grandma!!"




"Oh look who it is !", isn't it my dear Marlin. She started patting her head. So didn't you wanted to tell me ..? She was curious to hear after Marlin made her excited .

Marlin was surprised seeing her remember it . Grandma laughed and said , " I may look old but I still can remember perfectly " They both laughed and continued their conversation .




So she shared all her good times and told she also danced beautifully. Later on wards when she couldn't find anything to spill she accidentally led out the talks of that strange encounter . After realising what she said she flinched and directly looked at her grandma who didn't asked anything ...

"Don't you have anything to ask ?"

"Hoho do I have to ask ?"

Marlin laughed , "Its your wish .."

Grandma smirked and asked , "Was the lad handsome ?"

Marlin blushed .

"....yea." "But he's a bad person !",she pouted .

Grandma sighed , " Looking from your words anyone would have startled to see a stranger but to be able to use self defense it feels like -

Marlin was confused . "Then?"

"He might have encountered a lot of pain and dangers in his life to be that way ... poor child"