Chapter 15 : An offer

As they came closer , while Marlin still being feared someone caught her from behind . As Marlin saw the face by looking back she recognised it immediately.

It was Prince Mathis!

Marlin wanted to say something but Mathis put his fingers in his lips to point out to keep quiet. He moved her to another place unnoticeable since he knows the place well.


The strangers started to find the person here and there but in the end they thought it was their misunderstanding so they left the place to finish the rest of their talk somewhere else. After they left , Marlin shove the prince away from her who was holding her still . Because its indecent to be alone with a guy before marriage and bad rumours might start.

"Did you just shove me away while I was protecting your dear life for gods sake?"


Prince Mathis sighed and stood while removing the dust off this grand clothes , " Im going to let this slide even though you pushed a royal family member."

Marlin said angrily , " Any girl would feel uncomfortable; you womaniser!"


Marlin thought now shes done for . She basically insulted right into his face . While she kept pondering what to answer for this explanation or awaiting her execution. The prince finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"You should have told me you were uncomfortable because I was too handsome . I know girls fall for me like crazy but i really thought you were an exception!"


Marlin didn't understand his words like did he not understand what Marlin actually meant. Maybe hes really a womaniser after all . Now he's admiring himself out of nowhere •_• Marlin understood its a waste of time talking to him . So she wanted to leave but the prince caught her .

"Aren't you gonna say something?"

Marlin gave a bold and pathetic smile, " Thank you , your highness!"

"Well, your thanks look half hearted but ill take it gladly . Is there anything you want ?"




Now Marlin looks curious . She came straight to his face not understanding it was too close ; while for a minute beforehand that she wanted to keep distance from him but the offer was uncalled for. Marlin then asked , "Anything?"

"Yes, anything..."

The prince thought maybe she could ask for some jewellery or power something. If its more than that maybe to be her partner or something. But its Marlin; a girl who isn't interested in any of that . What she asked -

"Take me to the concubine prince !"



"I mean that's all?"

"Yes , of course"

"But who ?"

"Well , I'm still not sure about that . Because I haven't known his name like who I met ."




The prince felt uncomfortable somewhat , "Cant it be something else . Like meeting them is not my kind of thing . We aren't that close you see ..."

"Then bye!", Marlin left off . While she was going, someone came up in front of her . When Marlin noticed him she was surprised. "Its him!! But wait doesn't he look different . He's wearing glasses even. He spoke in an angry tone, "Who are you ?"

Marlin was in a awe. She felt weird and also scared . It seemed like he's a different person . Was she that of such hindrance that he has to speak in such a way. While Marlin trembled in fear , Prince Mathis came up in front of her .

"What business do you have here , Prince Aiden?"

"Seems like the rumours are true after all...", Prince Aiden smirked.

"I don't care what you think of me but you're scaring the lady and it isn't manly . So you should go for now and stop troubling us...", said prince Mathis.

"Sure , sure . You go first I have some actual business here to be taken care of."

After that Prince Mathis took Marlins hand and walked away leaving Prince Aiden behind . Prince Aiden kept looking at them while they trailed off while mumbling to himself .

"You both are hiding something from me, again.."




While they both walking , Marlin was silent the whole time . Prince Mathis looked at Marlin for once then he began scratching his head , "Was it him ; the one you're looking for ?"

"Well he looks the same . But the vibe he gave was totally different. And he's  also wearing glasses which i didn't see before ."

"Then its good -"


"It isn't him because Prince Aiden wears glasses all the time and he gives off a creepy aura all the time . If you say the other person ; the caring type then you meant Prince Ethan. You see I was uncomfortable to begin with meeting them as you can see why . Even though Prince Ethan is a good person but he still despises my mother thinking she might killed the late concubine."




Marlin was happy thinking her judgement wasn't wrong and that she was eager to meet a warm person not like Prince Aiden but Marlin still asked this question knowing its not right for her to ask , "So, what do you think?"

He gave a pitiful look, "I don't know but I trust my mother . She loved me her whole life . Even though she isn't despicable towards sometimes but I don't think shes the type to kill anyone . Well thats what i think."

"Gosh what am I even babbling to someone i first met"

Marlin said , "Don't worry your words are safe with me. No ones gonna hear about it anyway.."

"Thanks. But in the end if situation does turn for the worst i might have to accept the reality and move on . But i have to be right to the judgement."


The prince took Marlin to the place where the  carriages are kept for departure telling her to go home since its already late and dangerous for her to stay now . Marlin was kinda in refusal stage but the prince promised her that he will try to make her meet prince Ethan soon. So Marlin left in Sasha's carriage while seeing Prince Mathis waving her goodbye .

So she waved back. Maybe it looks she made another friend to rely on perhaps.




In the meantime Prince Mathis started going to his room on the palace . All the guest left since the party ended , so there was no one left . As he was going, a shadow like figure stood up front.

"Prince Ethan, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing . Just to see if my step brother is doing well or not for his plan to assassinate me ."

"I see , you still haven't learned your lesson. Like how many times should I tell you its not me !?"

"Don't try to lie . You are already trying to remove us brothers since we are a threat to your seat to the throne. My brother doesn't even bother to show open hatred towards you while Im still trying not to!"

Prince Mathis understood it was of no use talking to him now.

He went past him. Before leaving , " As a brother i say this before going since I've made a promise to a lady but she's very eager to meet you . Hope you meet your future lady soon.."

He left saying those leaving Prince Ethan dumbfounded.




"Ugh, I still didn't get to introduce myself to my Prince Charming properly , what if he thinks I'm weird wahhh", Marlin started wailing .