I'm Finally Back

I wear my sunnies before getting out on the private plane arrange by my mother. And go directly to the car, the driver just node his head and smile before opening the door for me.

"send me to where my mom is." the driver just look at me at the rearview mirror before starting the engine. My mom is workaholic and I will just get bored if I'm going home, so I decided to go and surprise her. After twenty minutes on the road we enter in a prestigious building and go to the secret entrance of my mother's entrance.

Excitedly open the door and hugged my mom. I didn't even see the existence that she is in the middle of meeting?

"Hi mom? I missed you!!!" as I hugged her.

"ohhhh!" my mom got startled with my deeds but smiled at me when I release her from the tight hug.

"ohh dear I'm on the middle of transaction, why did you come here? you suppose to be go home straight and have some rest." my mother in her sweet voice. "I'm so sorry for my daughter's action, she just came from abroad. By the way this is Mr. Jaden Seth Devon the CEO of AI company." As I turn my back and saw his confused face. But I smiled and greet him

"Hi Mr. Devon, my bad I just barge in to my mother's office, I didn't mean to intrude anything. By the way I'm Avery, please to meet you." as I give the initiative to shake his hand, he took my hand with a big question mark on his face.

"I didn't know that you have daughter Mrs. De La Fuccigami." he said with a poker face.

"she grew up and study abroad. Anyway I'll be having her welcome party next week and I hope you will spare time to come Mr. Devon." my mother look at me with a wide smile.

"o-ofcourse Mrs. De La Fuccigami"

"By the way, mom i'll wait for you at the lounge I think you really need to continue your meeting with Mr. Devon, again I'm sorry for intruding your business."

"No problem, I already signed the papers. So if you excuse me, I'll be going first." Mr. Devon stand on his seat and begin to straighten his coat.

"ohh... If you still have time you can come and join us for early dinner, right mom?" as I gave them both a sweet smile that my two dimples are proudly displaying on my cheeks. "and let's say, I would like to personally thank you for having signing business in my mom's company."

"what could I say Mrs. De La Fuccigami, a lady's offer is really difficult to say no, especially with a beautiful intruder." he sounds sarcastic the last part of his words, but just ignored him.

"okay, we better have dinner on one of Mr. Devon's Luxury Hotel Restaurant, they have amazing dishes I know you will love them dear." as my mother got up from her swivel chair.

Mr. Devon lead us to one of his VIP table.

"what do you think?" my mom asked me the moment we sat on our table.

"it's---okay." then I smiled boringly without looking at him.

"excuse me, I need to go to the powder room." my mother excuse herself.

"what did you just say about my luxu-" I cut whatever he will going to say by lifting my palm 'shut up' sign since I recieve a call from the hospital.

"sorry, i have to take this call." then press the answer button.

"hello? this is Dr. Avery speaking."

"Hi doc. Dr. Smith is requesting if you can do the surgery later at 8PM."

"okay i'll be there." as soon they recieve my confirmation, they bid goodbye quickly.

The moment I hang up the phone, the man seriously looking at me? I even look to my back and side just to make sure I'm not having wrong thoughts.

"is there anything on my face?" I asked him.

"nothing, you just reminded me of a friend." then he took a sip on his red wine. Just when he about to talk, my mom came and sit beside me.

Then the guest attendants bring each one of our food, that I think we still didn't order for it.

"ohh no, sorry but I can't eat that pasta. Mom can you drop me later at DG Hospital?"

"You just came in and you still didn't rest yet. How come you're going to work?"

"moooom doctors don't have the word rest."

"okay then you have to eat a lot." I just smile to my mom for an answer and have a small bite with the steak

Good thing I didn't drink coffee or wine yet.

"anyway are you gonna stay here for good?"

"mom let's talk about that at home."

We eat silently, but the feeling someone is looking at you the whole time, God!

"Mr. Devon you said I reminded you of someone, who could that be? and how?" I asked him directly.

"well it's not a first time that someone told me that, so I'm curious who's that? mom tell me honestly do I have twin sister or brother?" my mom burst to laugh, "maybe we should wake up dad and ask him if I have siblings". my mom just tap me gently.

"naughty girl! how could you drag dead person for your naughty idea." my mom while keeps on laughing with my idea. But Mr. Devon just keep his cool. 'what's wrong with this man?'

"yeah, it's impossible for two people to have the same face not unless they are twins or they are same person." Mr. Devon crack a smile but he's pointing on one thing that makes me nervous because he is looking to me deadly.

"but are you sure we really have the same face?" then I smiled casually but still my dimples are showing for sure.

Just about when Mr. Devon wants to answer one couple came into our table.

"ohh who's with Jaden." the couple's smile fades when they saw me.

"A-Arianne?" the girl startled "this is impossible, you're alive?!" is she happy or sad asking me... I'm not comfortable anymore

"okay mom this is getting wierd." and then I look at my mom waiting for her to say something.

"guys this is Mrs. De La Fuccigami and her daughter Avery." Mr. Devon quickly introduce us.

"Hi I'm Allen and this is Jasmine my fiance, sorry miss Avery for my fiance's action she mistook you for someone." Allen give us unsure smile.

"it's okay maybe i can get use to it if I am going to stay here for a while."

"we better go to our table, excuse us." Allen said but Jasmine didn't have any chance to blink her eyes while looking at me.

"you can join us if you want to," politely ask them then I smiled to Jasmine sweetly.

"maybe next time." Allen freely nod his head while Jasmine wear slight smile.

"Okay. I'll see you around then." then I look at them gping to their table. Jasmine can't take off her eyes on me, that she even keeps on looking back at me.

"mom did you see the girl, she seems looking at a ghost? do I look like ghost?" then I fake a laugh... Even my mom is speechless with the girl's reaction.

"Mr. Devon may I ask where or what happen with the girl? Is she really dead?"

"that's my question right now." giving me goosebumbs the way he looks at me.

"oh my! I'm sure you don't have any twin sister." my mom is also amaze by now.

"urghhhh! can we cut the crap mom, maybe I really just look like her. it's not that impossible we all have look a like in other country, maybe they aren't use to look with my face and keeps on mistakinly for one of their friends. Let's not spoil the mood, I have to concentrate since I have to operate one of my patient tonight." really ending those crazy ideas before any another pop into their mind. I don't want any stress right now.

After Dinner my mom drop me at the hospital, I just change my clothes in the car while we are in the way. I am early than the scheduled time so I went and check Lexy. She smile the moment she saw me.

"Doctor gorgeous you came for me." she wants to stand and run to me so I quickly move forward and give her hug.

"how's my little princess?" I ask her while playing her hair.

"I'm nervous doctor gorgeous but I know you won't let me die." she innocently smiled

"who said you will, I won't allow that to happen. Be brave and I have surprise for you when you wake up." then I touch her nose tip.

"mommy! daddy! did you hear that? doctor gorgeous won't let me die, we can go to the Arcity and play for Christmas."

"okay yeeeey!" as I cheer her up

"I have to talk to your Mommy and the doctor who is incharge with you first, for now I want you to behave." then I signaled the parents to come with me and we all go to the doctor's office.

"Doctor Avery it's nice to finally meet you in person I'm Doctor Gary." the male doctor willfully offer his hand to shake. So do I.

"let's get straight here, we don't want to waste any time." I said seriously.

"yeah ofcourse." he begin to show the recent x-ray of Lexi. " we need to do her heart transplant immidiately or else it will go worst." the doctor said as he look to Lexi's parents. I can't comment since I agree with Doctor Gary.

"have you find a donor mrs. ?" Lexi hang on. I know you're a brave girl, you can make it.

"yes doc."

The time has fastly arrive. we are all in the operating room.

"Doctor gorgeous I am afraid but I need to be brave for mommy, but if I can't make it can you comfort my mom and give the paper that i put in the drawer." Lexi holding my hand. Such a young age knows possibilities of life.

"Lexi you can make it, promise me to always hang on. it's for you to sleep, can you count in filipino language?" this kid is so smart and bilinggual, she can speak five language.

"yes doctor gorgeous." as her smile fading she begins to count. "isa (one), dalawa (two), tatlo (three), a-pat (four)."

The operating room is full of tension and no one dares to make a sound. We are too focus, we need to focus and there's no room for mistakes. You can't hear anything except for orders. But my first assistant hands are shaking.

"what the hell are you doing!?" i shouted at him.

"I am just making sure it's all visible for you doctor. i'm sorry." that word makes me more irritated.

"Ms. exchange with this guy and be my first assistant." I quickly ordered


"if you keep doing that the patient will die! your sorry can't do anything. If that will happen! ExCHANGE!"

"Just do as she says, Becca exchange with him!" Doctor Gary

"cut" i casually order and someone did it as i said. I prepare Lexi's body to be ready for her new heart.

"Now!" one second is very important. We can't missed any detail. Hang on! Lexi we are already there. As we stitch her body back. we don't know how many hours we work but that don't matter as long as the patient lives. Her vitals are normal after the operation we just need to transfer her back to her room and wait for her to wake up.

With a smile on my face i walk out the operating room and meet her arents who are waiting outside.

"the operation is successful." I delivered the good news on her parents as they hugged each other and keep on thanking me.

"no, thank you Mrs. it's all on Lexi. She fight to live and she made it. If you excuse me. I have to prepare her other medical necessities." and walk towards the nurse station... One patients is crying while walking the hall.

'this hospital is impossible how can they allow patient to walk around at this time.' I walk towards the kid who is crying.

"Hi, how may I help you. by the way I'm doctor Avery." I smile to the kid who is wearing bonnet.

"I woke up and my mommy isn't on my bedside so i come out of my room." the kid said in the middle of sobbing and wiping her tears.

"But still you shouldn't get out of your room. let me take you to your room." the kid don't have any foot wear. "can I carry you? since you don't have slippers." she just open her arms for approval.

"ohhh stop crying baby, and can you tell me where's your room?"

"i can't remember my room." then she cry loudly.

"ohhhh it's okay baby, can you tell me your name?"

"my name is Kendara Smith." we came into the nurse station.

"hey! where do you think you're going with the kid. she is our patient!" the nurse shout at me and snatch the kid to me, the kid cry out loud again.

"I don't like you!!!" as she begin to freak out in this nurse's arm.

"no need to worry by the way im d-" she cut whatever I'm saying.

"I don't care! what are you doing with our patient!!!"

"Doctor Avery!" Just in time doctor Gary came out of no where.

"ohhh thank God! I don't know your hospital have this kind of staff." then I look at the nurse from head to toe.

"what happen here Jessy?" Gary seriously ask the nurse

"you're a doctor." with a surprise on her face, I didn't say anything I just glare at her.

"I found one of your patient roaming around the hall crying, she's looking for her mother." I simply answer Gary.

"Jessy find her room, I have to discuss some matters with Doctor Avery." We went to his office and have a talk over Lexi's condition.

"I will stay while waiting for Lexi's recovery, and I think you can handle it from here Doctor Gary, it's nice to work with you." and give him smile before I left his office. Doctor Gary didn't stand he just watch Doctor Avery go out of his office. On the other hand, the driver is already sleeping on the car so Avery gently knocks the window. First knock the driver get up and see Avery outside waiting. The driver didn't waste anytime he got out and serve Avery. He open the door for her. Avery became numb and didn't feel any tiredness but her eyes shows it. she looks outside and even open the window to kiss the cold air. It's been years this city change a lot...

'I'm really here standing again infront of our house' I let out a sweet smile before entering and went directly to my room. It's already three in the morning my mother maybe sleeping soundly in her room. I took a shower and decide to go to sleep.