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As I walked away from the goal, everyone suddenly stopped playing their game and looked at what I was doing. After walking up to them, I just grabbed the ball and kicked it into the goal, to which they looked at me in a confused manner. It was obvious that they could tell that I was not mad at them so at the very least they were aware that I didn't mean any malice in my actions.

I knew that it would be hard to get them to learn how to play soccer, mainly because of the fact that not only could I not talk to them but they were not aware of the concept of points nor competition for fun, as the only time they had probably competed against others in their lives it had been over a prize.

My best bet was to just demonstrate what to do and hope that they would put the pieces together themselves, of course, the demonstration had to be quick, it would only be a bad thing if they thought that I was forcing them to learn how to do this as it would decrease the likelihood of them wanting to do it in their free time.

As I stood in front of the goal I waited for somebody to try and take a shot at the goal, with me of course acting as a goalie. And after Daniel seemed to be the first one to put things together and picked up the ball I had thrown to them with his hands and got ready to throw it back, and although he was using his hands it was probably best to ease them into the change that came with the rules of soccer.

He seemed to be analyzing all of the spots around me as he got ready to take his shot, everyone else just watched after moving away from Daniel, as they didn't want to get in his way. Although I was still able to block his shot I almost got pushed back by the leaf ball as despite the fact that it was light he had managed to hit it with enough force to put me off balance.

I just threw the ball back at him with a slight grin to which he took it as a challenge. Since I knew that I could not get them to try and 'score' to 'win' since they didn't know about point-based competitions, I would just get them to feel like they were being challenged to score. After all that is the only type of competition they are used to, so it would be easier for them to get invested in beating me.

After Daniel shot a couple of more times switching between kicks and throws, I then passed the ball over to Fransisco who stood confused until he saw me and recognized that I was challenging him to give it a try, of course not wanting to back down, he gave a shot and also missed. Afterward, instead of throwing the ball back at either Francisco or Daniel, I threw it behind them causing both of them to chase after it as they had both yet to succeed.

Both of them noticed that they were going for the same ball, and Daniel sped up to get to the ball first, before he could try and shoot at the goal again though, Francisco cut him off and tried to take the ball away from him causing for them to fight over the ball as they made their way over to me while blocking each other's shots.

Seeing this I knew that my plan had worked and that there was no longer a reason for me to stay as the goalie, so when Daniel shot at the goal, I let him score causing him to start celebrating and look back at both me and Francisco pridefully before he could do anything else though, I moved him over to the goal, casing for him to stop in confusion.

Then, all I had to do was to pass the ball over to Fransisco who didn't hesitate to shoot the ball at the goal to get back at Daniel. Just like that, the cycle started once more, with the only difference being that Daniel and I had switched places. Before long though, I noticed that Gabriel looked like he wanted to join in, but wouldn't because he saw this as a competition between Daniel, Francisco, and myself.

So I stopped chasing after Francisco and walked next to Gabriel before giving him a light push towards Francisco. And although Gabriel did start playing in my place, it didn't have the effect I wanted, as I could see that Omar and the rest who weren't currently playing looked like they wanted to join in but didn't.

So I just walked over to Omar and also pushed him towards Francisco after a little while. This action made it so that Gabriel began walking back to the sidelines, I was able to stop him though, and got him to go back. There was a moment of confusion between both Gabriel and Omar and I just gave them a thumbs up and a slight smile.

Eventually, both of them just began playing at once while constantly looking back at me to make sure that I wasn't mad and that they hadn't done something wrong, after some time though, it became clear to everyone that I wouldn't take either of them off of the field which in turn caused for everyone else to join in seeing that more than three people could play at once.

Although I knew that not everyone truly wanted to play but still wanted to join in due to the monkey see monkey do reaction I still took it as a success. This was because it didn't matter how well something was done as long as it was done correctly. Plus now that I got everyone to play, I could finally join in as well, just because I knew more than them didn't mean I wasn't human, after all, I still enjoyed playing soccer.

The rest of the day went by in a flash, I couldn't even remember how many times we had changed the goalie already, all I knew was that I had to get everyone to stop because the sun was beginning to go down, meaning that it was time for dinner marking the end of the day. Although we were all tired, I could see that everyone had had fun.