Progressing The Settlement's Societal Aspects

It was only after half an hour, I checked on the molds finding out that they had actually cooled down a lot quicker than I had expected. Mainly because, you know, I put molten bronze into them, regardless since that was that, I filled the box I used to crush the charcoal, copper, and tin ores filling it up with water.

I put both molds into the box and used a stick to reveal the bronze down below slowly. Once I confirmed that the bronze was safe to touch (mainly by seeing its reaction to being submerged underwater, I began to wash off all of the Cob to see what the finished product looked like, even using rocks sometimes.

And although I was aware that rocks could potentially damage bronze, the damage would still only be minimal; plus, if the rocks were able to do any serious damage, that would mean that I had either made the bronze incorrectly or that it needed more time to cool with me favoring the first as it was clear that the bronze had cooled down.

Regardless after everything, I was left with a fairly clean-looking chisel and a small hammer. It was then that I just sort of admired them and stopped for a moment, realizing that I had hit a roadblock regarding any further technological progress.

Although I faced no actual problem in continuing to progress technologically, technology was only beneficial when others could use it. It was only now that I had realized that although the technology was available, the society I had established lagged far behind and was thus unable to use the technology to its fullest potential.

I mean, I could create bronze hoes and sicles to help with farming. Still, we were only growing sweet potatoes and trees, making them useless until other farms were established, meaning that I was creating a solution for a problem that didn't exist yet not because it didn't have to but because society hadn't reached that level yet.

Plus, although most people in the settlement could speak and express their feelings, it was still nothing close to a normal ability to speak which meant that in the aspect of communication we were still basically in square one since all of that could be done without speaking.

Even worse, since there were no farms, and the sense of individualism was only beginning to be formed, people didn't actually work and sort of just survived off of hunting, meaning that not only was there not a basis of an economy or even trade but also that although they had stopped moving location, they still lived under the same basic rules.

So, to start things off, I decided to take a break from technological advancement, for a little while at least, and focus on just starting farms and at least set up a system of land ownership so that way there would be different farms owned by different people basically forcing trade for prosperity.

As for language, I would basically start by making them understand the basic uses of pronouns like I, him, her, they, and it, and although there were certainly others, those were the most basic and the ones they would use most in daily life.

From there wouldn't be much else to do apart from begging to plant nearby luxury plants to put it that way and forge weapons from bronze as that would basically be a guarantee for everyone to survive a predator encounter or at least take one down with them. So with a plan in mind, I began to work on the repetitive process of teaching language once more.

June 17th, 0001:

Despite my original estimates, it had somehow taken a month for me to teach the children how to understand and comprehend pronouns and the meaning of ownership. Still, once I did, that knowledge spread like wildfire around the original settlement and the new settlement, as the people in the new settlement came here now and then.

And although I had not exactly gotten everyone to begin trading, continuously as hunts for meat were still ongoing, there were still people beginning to trade fruits they found in the wild with others in exchange for favors or other fruits they did not possess.

Even though it was sort of sad to see the people in both settlements become more aware of their ownership of certain things within the settlement like their house and fruits causing them to no longer work entirely as a community; I knew that in the long term, this was the best outcome once the population of both settlements increased.

As for the farms, the orange trees had grown considerably but seemed to be slowing down, only barely being tall enough to be considered a tiny bush; regardless, there was a lot more progress on the Suri bug front as today I had collected the first batch of Suri.

With some being 4 weeks old while the rest were 5 yielding around 800 Suri bugs as apparently another female Rhynchophorus palmarum had laid eggs, bringing the total up to more than a thousand. Still, nearby birds also killed some for food.

Regardless, now that I had finally secured food on the meat front, and there was no longer a real need to hunt anymore, slowly ownership of things would become more common in the settlement as there would be fewer things owned by everyone, except for community building or areas of course.

As for the specifics regarding what new types of plant seeds were put to germinate, I just grabbed as many wild nuts as I could find, plus olive and vanilla seeds as those were the only things I knew for sure would not be poisonous.

As for what steps I would begin to take from here, they would be to introduce bronze weaponry into the settlement as although it was all already made, I had not yet given them said weapons as there was not really a need to, plus I still didn't quite know how to use daggers, chisels, and sicles, so I decided to try and get some level of mastery of them before teaching anyone else.