
Episode 15

Luke stood in front of Angie's house thinking about what to say and how to say it. Although it was a cold evening, his palms were a little bit sweaty. He stood there for another five minutes before pressing the doorbell. Angie's voice sounded in response from inside. The voice made Luke nervous all over again. The door clicked open and Luke came face to face with Angie. "Hi!" He greeted, clearing his throat.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" She asked surprised, coming out from the house not wanting to invite him in.

"Well I wanted to see you" He replied

"Okay...any reason?"

"Ye...yeah" He stuttered

"Okay I'm all ears" She said leading him to chairs on the porch.

"Well you see..the truth is, since I came back and saw you at school, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and how we were before, and I realized....i still want that" He stopped, searching her face for a reaction which became mild. Silence fell upon them. The silence which lasted for a minute felt like three hours for Luke "Please say something" He added

"I don't know what to say Luke. I admit being together was fun in a weired way but I don't know if it's a good idea that we come back together. Don't get me wrong I like you but, I have a lot of unbalance and unsorted things in my life right now and I need time to sort them out by myself" she explained, avoiding his eyes

"You're the only good thing in my life right now and I don't want to lose you. Just give us a chance and I promise you won't regret it" Luke pleaded

"I can't give you an answer now Luke....you know what, give me sometime to think about it and decide if it's what I want" She replied, knowing that was the only way to get rid of him at the moment.

"Okay, I think I can live with that for now" Luke agreed, smiling. "So what's up with you?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Nothing much. My friends are coming over for a sleepover later" Angie replied

"Oh that's nice. I guess I better start going then"

"Alright" Angie said, standing up.


Kelvin got to the room and found Kyle lying down, engrossed in the phone in his hand. He was furious. He stood at the door and watched him for a moment before entering the room "What the hell is wrong with you?" Kelvin asked angrily.

Kyle who was startled by his voice sat up on the bed abruptly and his mood quickly dampens "What do you mean? Why are you shouting?" Kyle retorted

"Oh, you mean you don't know what you did huh?! We almost got caught today when I ran into Veronica. Why would you keep that to yourself" Kelvin quarrelled.

Kyle sighed, realizing what it was about. "I thought it wasn't important"

"Are you serious right now? You do know that she's her bestfriend?! If she knows then Angie will too and besides what did she want?" Kelvin asked

"She gave me her number that if I was interested in teaming up with her to bring Angie down I should give her a call" Kyle explained, dropping his phone.

"And you didn't think that was important and why would she want to bring her friend down?" Kelvin inquired

"I don't know and to be honest I don't think i care" Kyle confessed

"You don't care? What do you mean you don't care?" Kelvin asked with a puzzled look

"I mean, i have sat down to think about what you are doing? It's childish, somebody is just going to end up getting hurt" Kyle replied

"Wow, now it's childish. I remembered when i first told you about it, you were excited and very willing to be part of it but now that you have started developing feelings for her, it's childish" Kelvin said shaking his head in disbelief

"You know what...yeah, you're right. I might be developing feelings for her and do you know why? Because of the person she really is, you see her as a rich, spoilt, arrogant and mean girl but I see her as someone who missed the best and loving part of her life and just needs to be loved. Get to know her before judging or disliking her." Kyle concluded, getting up and storming out of the room. Kelvin fell flat on the bed staring at the roof. He sighed with fraustration.


Grace lay down beside Veronica on Angie's bed, both of them going through the photos on her laptop and laughing occasionally on some they thought was funny. "Come on guys, you've gone through those pics several times" Angie said urging them to stop

"Awwn...this was during student week" Veronica said showing Angie the picture she took with Luke

"Yeah, they just started dating" Grace added

"Speaking of Luke, have you seen him recently?" Veronica asked

"Yeah, he came earlier" Angie said relaxing back on her chair.

"Really?! What did he want?" Grace inquired

"Well...he was saying he wants us to get back together, that he still has feelings for me" Angie said with her mood visibly dampening

"Judging by the look on your face I'm guessing that's not what you want" Grace pointed out

"Nope. I don't want to get in a relationship with him again"

"I think you should...or at least consider it" Veronica said sharply

"Why would she do that?" Grace asked, giving Veronica a questioning look.

"Well he clearly still likes her and I think she still likes him, so what's stopping them and he clearly has changed too" Veronica explained.

"But my mind doesn't seem to agree with us dating anymore" Angie said, standing up and joining them on the bed

"You mean your heart?! And are you sure it doesn't have something to do with our new football star?" Grace said smiling at her sheepishly.

"What do you mean?" Angie asked looking confused

"Yeah, what do you mean?" Veronica added.

"Come on V, are you saying you haven't noticed too? Angie has stopped complaining about him or coming up with ways to torment him and she seems to be more on the DL recently" Grace said holding Angie's hands

"Who?" Angie inquired

"Kelvin of course" Grace blurted out

"Yeah! So true" Veronica laughed.

Angie smiled. "Yeah it's true that I don't dislike him that much again but that doesn't mean that I now like him or that I'm developing feelings for him"

"Well keep telling yourself that" Grace laughed

"But I still think you should consider Luke though" Veronica shrugged and they went back to viewing pictures on the laptop "Oh I loved this dress. It's a shame it got ruined"

"Yeah me too. But come to think of it, it's been long since the three of us went shopping together" Grace pointed out

"Right, we should do it again soon" Veronica said. Angie was oblivious of the conversation both girls were having, she wasn't taking part in the discussion. Her mind kept pondering on what Grace said 'What if they are right and I'm developing feelings for him?!' she thought to herself and then shook her head, trying to push the idea away.


Veronica arrived at Victor's house. Luke had earlier invited her to come hangout with them, so she would have a chance to bond with Victor. She pressed the doorbell and within seconds the door sprung open. "Come on in, we've been expecting you" Victor invited her in, flashing her a smile.

She got in and saw Luke sitting on the couch, holding a cup with his eyes glued to his phone. Music was sounding from the theater system in the living room. She looked around the living room and decor looked expensive and luxurious. She got to where Luke was sitting and tapped him "Hey!" She said, announcing her presence.

"Oh hey! Sorry I was distracted by what I was watching" Luke said

"Clearly" she replied.

Victor came up to her. "So what would you like a drink?" He asked smiling warmly at her

"Just soda thanks" She replied. Victor disappeared to kitchen to get her what she wants.

"So tell me, any progress?" Luke asked drawing closer to Veronica to avoid shouting because of the loud music.

"Well, it's going to be harder than I thought" She replied, scratching her hair

"What do you mean? You said you were going to make sure, why is it going to be hard?" He asked looking a bit disappointed

"I think she's starting to have feelings for the new boy"

"For who? Kelvin?" He asked surprised

"Yeah" Veronica said

"You have got to be kidding me" He almost shouted.

"Here you go" Victor said handing the drink to Veronica and then sitting next to her

"Thanks" She flashed him a smile

"So I heard your friend Angie fell sick at my party. Did she tell you what happened?" He asked, hoping to figure out if they knew it was the drugs.

"Nope, she just said she wasn't feeling to good" Veronica replied taking a sip from her drink

"Well thank God she's alright, I was worried she came down with something at the party" Victor said, feeling a bit relieved himself

"Yeah, me too" Veronica replied.

"So can I talk to you alone?" Victor whispered to her

"Yeah sure" She replied

"Don't worry, I'm going upstairs so you two can talk alone" Luke said as he stood up, drop his cup and left them alone.


Brian and Jacob sat outside kelvin's house. The weather that evening seems to be pleasant, cool and dry. Kelvin and Kyle happy that the boys came over and had helped them escape the boredom that was slowly building up in the house before they came. "You know school resumes in two weeks and it seems like the holiday just started" Jacob said looking sad

"Yeah I agree with you. The plans Grace and I made for the holiday, we haven't even done fifty percent of it yet" Brian complained.

"Here you guys go again with your complaining" Kelvin sighed

"Come on Kev, don't tell me you and Valerie didn't have plans" Brian said smiling sheepishly at him.

"We did but right now she's acting strange towards me after the encounter we had with Veronica, thanks to someone" Kelvin replied poking Kyle.

"It wasn't entirely my fault if I recall correctly" Kyle defended

"Neither was it mine" Kelvin argued. Brian and Jacob burst out laughing at the brothers.

"Hey! is that not Luke" Brian pointed at Luke who was approaching them.

"Yeah I think it's him" Kyle said as they looked to the direction he was coming from

"Wait, does he know about you guys?" Jacob inquired

"Yeah he does" Kyle replied.

Luke walked up to them looking furious. "What's up Luke, I thought you didn't want to speak me again, seeing as to how you never returned my calls, reply my text or the way you avoided me at school" Kelvin said extending his hand for an handshake.

Waving off his hand, Luke replied angrily "I think that's how it's going to be. So it wasn't enough that you stole my spot on the soccer team but you want to steal my girlfriend too. Who do you think you are?"

"Whoa, slow down. First of all, you were not in school so they had to fill the position and I made the tryout, so I didn't steal your spot and secondly, I heard you and angie broke up so she's not your girlfriend anymore dude but even at that, I'm not stealing anybody, where did you get that information?" Kelvin retorted

"That's not what I heard" Luke argued

"Okay, did you also hear that I have a girlfriend already?" Kelvin asked

"That doesn't seem to stop you. Stay away from Angie Kev or you better start watching your back" He threatened

"Are you threatening him?" Kyle stood up to face Luke.

"This doesn't concern you Kyle" Luke said

"Well it does when you start threatening my brother" Kyle shot at him.

"Becareful man" Luke said pointing at Kelvin before taking his leave.

"Well that was intense" Brian stated

"How could such a close friend turn into an enemy just because of a soccer spot and a girl" Jacob said

"That, I don't know" Kelvin shrugged

"But how did he know which one of you he was talking to? Because I still do get confused and right now I don't even know which one of you I'm talking to" Brian said and they all burst out laughing

"I guess since he has known us for a long time, he has found a way of telling us apart" Kyle explained.

"But what about if he messes up the plan and tell Angie about you guys?" Jacob asked

"I guess we'll have to wait and see and besides he doesn't know that we are doing that" Kelvin replied.

"Yeah true" Jacob nodded


Grace stood up from the bed and kissed him lightly on the lips. It was almost nightfall and she was preparing to leave. "I need to start leaving, it's late" She said, going through her bag Making sure she wasn't forgetting anything.

"Come on, I wish you didn't have to go" Sam said holding her hands "Can't you just call them and tell them you are at a sleepover? maybe at Angie's or Veronica's" He asked pulling her towards himself. She pulled away, picking up her bag

"Nice try but I have spent almost the whole day here, I need to go home. They'd be worried by now" She explained

"So when am I going to see you again?" Sam asked

"I don't know yet" She shrugged

"Well please let it be soon. How about one last kiss" He said smiling. She giggled, walked up to him and kissed him for what seems to be like a minute.

"Alright, I have to go" She said breaking the kiss "I'll call you when I get home" She concluded.

She came out of the house and started heading for the bus stop. Her house wasn't that far from Sam's. She kept smiling thinking about the events that occur today when the thought of Brian flashed through her mind. Guilt immediately started eating her up. She knew what she was doing wasn't fair to Brian but she just couldn't bring herself to stop. She thought whatever she felt for Sam was still there and that Sam has this hold on her, which she couldn't break. She decided to wave off all thoughts from her mind.


Luke walked into the small warehouse alongside Victor. The warehouse was quite hidden from public eyes. They scanned the building looking for Mzi but couldn't find him. They walked up to some guys they recognize to ask for him. They pointed them to the direction of a small room.

They both walked up to the room, opened the rubber used as a door and saw Mzi sitting at the end of the room. There were boys packaging drugs and pills all over the room. Mzi spotted them and beckon for them to come over. They moved closer to him where they saw a pistol sitting on his lap "So do you have my money?" He asked with his deep crooked voice piercing the room

"Yes" Luke said, handing him a small black bag. Mzi inspected the money, counted it and nodded his head in approval.

"How did you come up with the money chump?" Mzi asked smiling.

"You have your ways and I have mine" Luke replied

"I like that" He said laughing

"So do I get to sell some products?" Luke asked

"Maybe. I do still need some boys. What about you chump, are you done with the ones you collected before?" He asked Victor.

"Not quite but almost done" Victor replied.

"Alright get out of here chumps, come back weekend for a new supply" He said waving them off with his gun.