Sapphire, a charming beautiful white-haired young girl who got married to Lorien, a prince of another kingdom.
Their marriage was interesting and fun until problems aroused.
A war knocks on the door when the king dies.
Lorien and his two brothers fight for the throne, it was going well until Lorien suddenly disappears.
The kingdom announced him dead after days of searching for him.
Sapphire is heart broken and lives a miserable life at the castle with Lorien's older brother.
She starts to think its the end for her until............ Lorien shows up at the castle.. claiming their king is not the former king real son !
Please continue the book I'm really enjoying it What happens when Lorien goes to war, will he come back or not?🥺 Please update more and now you are updating no longer frequently like you used too
Wow i guess the Author just started writing this book but please don't stop writing 💚Its very interesting and romantic🦋 and fun facts she updates everyday as well
I'm loving this book already, it seems interesting i really hope,,, people give it a chance and read it as well When are you updating the next chapter