Bowed The King


Caleb was busy calling some people who have huge leverage as well as Geo. They contacted anyone to help Mars, including several Senators and some influenced close friends of Geovanni King. 

Tomorrow morning, Caleb would give a press conference about Mars, and he had something he wanted to share publicly about Mars. Mars's reputation as one of the honor businessmen in LA was betting on risk now. It must subdue all the things The King has built all over the years to the critical situation. 

As if it was not enough to just press and law, now the Petrakis family was also questioning the Mars case. They intended to withdraw the resort and hotel project to Mars's arrest. That was an even worst thing to deal with them. The King could not put aside of it, but this moment. It was time to save Mars' ass soon as possible. Mars has to go out of the crime's allegation towards him.