The Best Part Of My Life Is You

After changing into a clean t-shirt, Mars drove himself to head back to his penthouse. He entered the penthouse and found it still empty. Mars threw his sports bag on a couch near the kitchen while walking through it. With a snort, Mars took a deep sigh and opened the refrigerator. He took a bottle of water and drank it while still facing the open door of the fridge.

Mars was so thirsty after he got home. It was not from the exhaustion of practicing. But his mood got a little bit swing after meeting Vanylla.

When the front door reopened, it was Caleb who went home. He walked straight to the kitchen and grinning happily. But he found Mars was drinking water then turned to see him coming.

"Where were you from?" Caleb casually asked before he paid attention to Mars. But he widened his eyes once he saw Mars.