
When I open my eyes a strange handsome man is holding me in his arms very closely. I can't understand what is happening but without thinking anything I try to push him and rush to get away from him. when I push him he opens his eyes and holds me even stronger, I just can't understand why.

Me:-leave me.

I don't know who are you, and what the hell you are doing on my bed.

Stranger:- Honey, calm down

Me:- what the fuck are you saying I am not your honey...

that handsome guy still holding me

I give him a sudden push but this time I not able to make that stranger away instead I fall from the bed.' I was dreaming'.but why this kind of a dream come ..I don't like this types of idiot persons, but he was very hot.

*Garinza(name of the female lead actor)

*Ash Kung(name of male lead actor)

I stand up and rush for taking bath.

Me:-oops! it's already 8:40, I am late.

(I work as a cake chef and used to work in a popular shun-wa cake shop)


Me:-sorry for being late today.

cake shop owner/Mr.sung:-its ok dear, but just now please hurry up. There are lots of customers today.

Me:-yup Mr.sung

I enter the kitchen and start making cakes. There are lots of customers that when the day passes out I can't figure out. Finally, shop closing time arrives.

Mr.sung:-Okay, dear. I am leaving..

And try to go home early as much as possible.

Me:-okay, Mr.sung.but before that, I have to complete this work, and after completing it I will leave.

Mr.sung:-Okay, but try to do early otherwise leave it. no problem, we will complete it tomorrow in the morning. Okay, dear.

I nodding my head. And Mr.sung left the shop.

One hour later.

Me:-Finally, it complete. Now I have to rush to home. it's already 10:30.

I switched off all the lights and about to leave. It is already very dark and at a time suddenly cloud also start losing/raining.suddenly the atmosphere becomes scary and uncomfortable.

Me:-oh god! what happen to the clouds this all sudden.

I hurry up to the home and suddenly turn around and find a tall man, wearing a huge black coat.

Me:-screams very loudly(aaaahhh...)

Stranger:-hey, hey calm down.

Me:-what you want, and why you enter this shop at this time.

Stranger:-Actually I want you to please me with some cake. can you ...

Me:-sorry sir, but it's already our closing time. our shop opens at morning 8:30, you can visit at that time.

I shockingly notice that that person looks similar to my morning dream guy, but I am not reacting to anything and suddenly that stranger become angry.

Stranger:-I want cake right now, means right now. don't you know me!!! I asked you nicely and you just say me -'No'. how could you do this to me, do you know who am I.

Me:-(Where in this world I talk rudely to him, I thought he is mental-"thinking").

No(In a strong voice), I don't know who are you and I don't even want to know. So, please just leave, I am already late for my home.

Stranger:-ohh..don't you know me(surprisingly) Okay let me handle you in my way.

Me:-okay let's see.

Stranger:-calling someone

After 5 mins my phone starts ringing

Me:-Mr.sung.what happen!! why are you calling me at this time?

Mr.sung:-Make cake right now. Don't you know who is he?"He is the son of king "Kung" -"Prince Kung Ash" our majesty. how could you decline him? Make cake as fast as possible otherwise, our cake shop will be in the headlines of tomorrows newspapers.

Me:- Okay okay saying panickly to Mr.sung( I never found him this much tensioned.) please have a seat, Sir.

Kung Ash:- Oh so now you know who am I (saying rudely)

I go into the kitchen without paying attention to Kung ash.

to continue...