
Kung's Mom:-Dear, please have a seat.

Me:-Okay, majesty..

I am getting a seat next to Kung ash and in front of that old man. Whole Kung family start asking questions to that old man..

From 5-10 mins that old man is not saying anything except observing me. I don't know why but as time is going on the situation is becoming weird.

Old man:-So, your name is Garinza Shun.


Old man:-What you saw in your dream and had you ever saw it again.

Me:-No, I haven't seen that dream ever in my life, I saw that some black creepy eyes are following me, that's it.

After observing me for whole1 hour he finally speaks

Old man:-(Coughing)She is the one who is going to free this royal family and town from evil monsters. As she gets this dream only because of this reason that she is future princess means Mrs Ash. And both Prince Kung Ash and princess Kung Garinza are the ones who are going to help us to get out from the death mouths...

Me:-No, no, wait. W…What are you saying, I just get this dream coincidentally that's it. This dream will not decide my future, dreams are only- thinking of minds, sometimes we get dreams because of what we saw in our reality, with our real eyes...

I don't want to marry this Cold-face man.

Kung Ash:-Yes!!she is right. And if she is the one with whom I can save my family then we can do this even without marriage.

Me:-yes, we can. I will help with this as I also live in this town and that will be my pleasure but I can't marry him as I ...…

Queen:-As you...say it dear.

Me:-As I already like someone else, and we both are about to get married soon.

Old man:-Sorry, but it is necessary that garinza and ash have to combine. And one more thing that they both must have to get married before the day after tomorrow means tomorrow only before 8 pm they both must be married couple.Because after a week this town will get converted into monsters place and this palace will be their main counter.And they both will be the save all of us.

All looking at each other with panic faces

King:-I can do anything for saving my town,but how in much time every thing will be normalise.

Old man:-Untill they both fall in love ,as early they both fall in love as soon this town will get cure for that evil monsters and this palace will get new Princess and future Queen.

Just after saying this that old man suddenly disappears, I really can't understand how that old man just vanished,but no one is shocked except me...

King:-Start doing preparations for tomorrow's weeding of my son -Kung Ash.(in bold voice)

Me:-what ..wait a minute sir,but how could you just fix my marriage without even my permission, I dont wanna marry him(saying panickly)

No one is listening my words,than I just stand up and beat my hand on table and said in loud voice:-

"I dont want to marry him,I dont like him,I already like someone else,and thats it I am leaving now".

King:-Just get her in the room and locked untill tomorrow's weeding day,take care of her as she is going to be future Queen ordering this to kung Ash.

Ash just stand up and hold my hands and try to drag me but I am not that much weak,I just release my hand and move away from him and start rushing towards exit gate.

He run and come infront of me and hold my hand and leg and he actually carry me in his arms very tightly thats I am not able to get away from him . He continues to take me to the room to lock me and I continues to speak out:-"hey ,leave me,leave me,leave me",but that idiot isn't responding me.

He enters in the room and through me on the bed and left me locked in the room alone.When he left me I actually got hurt on my head's wound and even a scratch on my hand because of his tough tight hand's braclet.My eyes filled with tears. I am actually crying because I dont want to marry him,I actually like mike-sum.

I cried for almost 1 hour than fall asleep on the bed only,when I wake up I am still alone in the room,now my stomach also start getting hurt probably because of hunger as I haven't ate from morning.

At the next moment only door open and Ash enters in the room with a plate full of pasta and a glass of orange juice and water in tray.

Kung Ash:-Have it.

I am not giving any response to him.

Kung Ash:-Aren't you hungry,okay if you dont want than I will leave.

Me:-Yes,you can (at this moment only my stomach start making noise)and he hear them.

Kung Ash:-So,you are hungry, than why dont you have it.

Still not replying him,than he put his hand in his pocket and take out mike-sum's photo,and start to tearing it.

Me:-Wait,from where you get it,its my property give it to me.

Kung Ash:-I got it from your stuffs and I am not going to give it back to you.

Me:-(Angrily) give it back to me.

Than I rushes towards him to get my photo back and I actually fall down on his foot because of dizziness.He got panick for the first time.He hold my shoulder and comfort me and made me comfortable on bed.

Kung Ash:-See,what your ego have done,why don't you just have a meal and you will be relax and healthy.

Me:-First give that photo to me .

Kung Ash:-Who's he, Is this is the person you like.

Me:-Yup, I like him and I love him.Now,give me my photo.

Kung Ash:-Let me see.

I went towards him to take that photo. But he isn't taking that photo out of his pocket and ask me to eat first.

Me:-i won't!!!!!.Just leave me alone.What you think, if you dont give me my photo back that I will forget him.No he is my love,and I will love him forever.

I lie down on the bed covering me with the blanket,it is already 7pm.I start crying by remembering him and he is actually seeing me.

He left me with the food on the table and locked me again.When he exit I just have a bite of pasta and I like it so,I make myself comfortable with pasta and orange juice.Now,I am full.So,I again went to bed as I don't have anything to do. I am actually thinking of mike-sum only.

Its 10am and once again my door open and shockingly Ash enters.

Me:-What you want,I have already completed my plate you can just take it now.

Ash got angry by the way I talk but he is not showing his anger on me now.He goes to the cupboard and take some clothes and went into the bathroom.