
Me:-Mama actually he just said that he went to met father,right. so probably he went there by roaming in the now mama that how much your child like garden right( I fucking don't know anything about his likes and dislikes)

Kung Ash:-oh yes..yes Mom Garinza is right. And we have to talk so much about today so let's hurry up..

Queen:-Umm..yeah...okay so let's go.

Ash put that book on its original place and head with us.

Queen:-Hey,Ash have your crown!

Kung Ash:-Well Mom I am also thinking like Garinza only...I will also wear it after this all mess up ...okay..

Queen:-But you both are still king and queens and how you are going to face public without crown..I am sorry Garinza but you also have to wear it..

Kung Ash:-Mom...we will...(her anger mode is onn) okay..okay ..we will but only when we will encounter public no more words's a deal okay .

She sighs **

We move towards rooms and rooms going through several rooms and hall.I really don't know where we are heading and successful after 15minutes ,we actually enter....enter into a huge mysterious room I haven't seen in my life. Wow...there are so many antiques and old books and swords....WOW..

King is on the single couch or something like smooth throne or whatever and Queen's throne is beside him. She take her seat than ask both of us seat infront of them and see what we get to sit again a cuple couch what the hell is this why..why and seriously by wearing a whole botique on me I have to sit on this couch with one more weirdo person..

He sit down but it take 5minutes for me to adust my gown and myself onn the couch.

Kung Ash:-Good morning Father..

King:-Good morning(look at both of us)

Kung Ash:-So dad,it's already our 1st day of this week we have to hurry up..Did you get any idea about what we have to say to the public about leaving MIEARO.

King:-Yeah I got a great idea and I even arrange a public meeting where you and Garinza may takeover.

Me:-Majesty, but what we have to say actually.

King:-I come with a idea actually my wife also helped me for this(shifting his gaze to Queen just for a short period) Disease very deadly contagious disease that our enemy are going to launch on us. So before they can even action we should shift somewhere else. This is the best idea I may suggest you ....And Ash ,Garinza where are your crowns.

Queen give him a gentle understanding look probably saying I will tell you honey about this.

King:-Whatever the reason is,you both must have to wear a crown for this public meeting..

We nodding**yes

Me:-Well sorry for interference,but I genuinely want to know that .....Mama do you know anything about me ....means from where I am family status and all..

King queen exchange gazes before replying.

Queen:-The first day when Ash brought you here in his arm then only he told us every thing he knows about you...but we don't know about your family..

Me:-Oh..ohk...well ....I ...I don't have any family thats the reason why Ash took place of my father at our weeding day..

Queen and King probably feeling sorry...but haven't say anything..

Queen:-Its don't have a family in past but now you have a family dear..

My smile return as her words hit on my ears.. I rise my hand to lock a knot of hairs behind my ears..

Queen:-Hey dear,what happened to your knuckles they are badly wounded and scratched..

I and Ash both look over my knuckles.

Me:-Oh that...

Kung Ash:-I will bandage it Mom. So its done right that what we have to say to the public and I think so we should get ready...(looking at king)

King:-Ofcourde dear,and don't forget about your crones okay..

He nods and grab my hand with his warm palm and take me to the medical room..

He sit on the chair and offer me to sit infront of him. After few minutes he cover my whole knuckles and even palm with bandage and bandage..than we get our crowns from the room and arrange ourself for the public meeting.

First Ash goes there and than's sure that public also know something as there faces are down ..

Kung Ash:-My people of MIEARO, now I am your new king as you all know..Today I ask you all to gather here as a huge problem is going to come in our MIEARO .....I want you all to shift somewhere else within this week as our enemy is planning to lauch a deadly congtious disease on our MIEARO....we will fight back but for now your lives are important for Me and MIEARO...I want you all to suport me. This problem will last for only 1 month and Our king and Queen means my father and mother will be there if you all need anything..I want you all when we celebrate our victory by defeating them in their own games ...So are you with me ....

Public:-Yes ..we are .....WE ARE..

Kung Ash:-So ,now just pack what is essential for you all and try to reach our palace royal buses at 9pm in night.. This buses are arrange for whole next 3 days so manage yourself accordingly ...


After his speech public run here and there ..okay I haven't seen this much fast work..great great...

and stomach is also running and making noises for food...

After completing this all we all head back to the main hall for our too late breakfast ...and seriously there is all veg food already served in my plate only is veg 2 sandwich and a glass of orange juice....

I sit on my table want to eat that all but ...other plates aren't full yet ,they are still getting food service ....I wait ....wait ...and wait slow they are..... finally....hmmm...King start to eat and we all start ....I want to eat that all fastly but now I am the queen I must have to show my manners like others ....damn god .....