Confession to An Yuchen

"So, what about your promised apology? Mr. Lu, it is not good to break your promise."

Lu Xiamo's entire body was shaking as he looked back at his friends, who were whispering amongst themselves.

He looked like he was about to cry as he said softly, "I'm sorry."

Then he ran out of the room, his loud and heavy footsteps could be heard all the way until there was the sound of the door closing.

His friends looked amongst themselves and then at Mo Han before they also left quickly, one after another.

After everyone was gone, Mo Han turned to look at An Luxia, "Do you want to continue to learn?"

An Luxia thought for a few seconds before shaking her head, "It's okay. Let's go eat lunch."

In the car, An Luxia suddenly remembered something as she crossed her arms together, "Mo Han, why did you agree to the deal?! What if you didn't win? Would you have just left me?"

Mo Han looked at her innocently, the cool and cold Mo Han during the competition completely gone. He crossed his hands together and looked over at An Luxia a little nervously.

"No, I would definitely not leave you! I only agreed because I am confident I could win."

An Luxia raised one eyebrow, "Really?"

Mo Han nodded his head eagerly, "Of course! There is no way that stupid chicken would win!"

An Luxia chuckled softly upon hearing Mo Han call Lu Xiamo a chicken, "Then why did you tie for the first round? Were you nervous?"

Mo Han scoffed, leaning over to An Luxia and tilting his head slightly, "Nervous? Why would I be nervous about competing with him?! I purposely tied the first round to give him some hope. . . And then crush it!"

He said, an evil smile appearing on his face.

An Luxia gulped and looked away. That did indeed sound like something the King of the Underworld would do. . .


After eating lunch, they returned to their house because An Yuchen insisted on coming over and An Luxia also invited over her best friend since she didn't tell her that she got married already.

When they arrived, An Yuchen's car also appeared in the driveway.

An Luxia jumped out of the car and walked over to her brother, who was looking at the building in front of him in disbelief.

"This is. . . your husband's house?" An Yuchen asked.

An Luxia nodded slowly before grabbing onto An Yuchen's arm and pulling him into the house, "Come on, come on. Let's go inside first."

They entered the living room and the three of them sat down. A maid walked over and poured all of them tea before walking away, leaving them alone inside the room.

An Yuchen looked around the completely black interior before looking over at Mo Han, "You are a small business owner?"

Mo Han nodded his head, "A business owner."

An Luxia pressed her lips together in deep thought. After a long time of awkward silence, she finally spoke up.

"Um. . . brother. . . I have something to tell you."

Both An Yuchen and Mo Han looked over at her.

"What is it? Did he bully you? Not treat you well?" An Yuchen asked, immediately accusing Mo Han.

An Luxia immediately shook her head, "No, no, no! It is something else. . . but also about Mo Han."

Mo Han raised one eyebrow confusedly, not sure what An Luxia was talking about.

"Actually. . . Mo Han isn't just a business owner."

Mo Han licked his lips, realizing what An Luxia was talking about. His leg started shaking, a little scared that her family would not agree or like him as much if they knew about his true "occupation".

An Yuchen nodded his head, not very surprised, "I guessed so."

He glared at Mo Han, a little mad that he had partnered up with his beloved sister to lie to him, "What is your true job?"

An Luxia immediately walked over to her brother, grabbing onto his arm and swinging it gently so he wouldn't be as mad, "It.. . It isn't something really bad. . . You know the HLX?"

An Yuchen nodded his head. As a doctor, he has obviously heard of them before, "What about it?"

An Luxia gulped, looking down as her voice softened, "Well. . . My husband, Mo Han, is actually the leader of the HLX. . ."

An Yuchen immediately jumped up from the couch in shock, "He what?!"

An Luxia flinched before slowly standing up as well, grabbing onto her brother's arm again, "But don't worry! Mo Han treats me very well, and he doesn't do much! He just takes care of his other businesses. Right, Mo Han?"

Mo Han nodded, listening to whatever his wife said. Whatever she said was right!

An Yuchen was still not convinced, "Why didn't you tell me and mom and dad?! We would have never agreed to this marriage if we had known! How could you marry such a dangerous person?!"

An Luxia immediately got scared as she grabbed onto An Yuchen's arm tighter, "He's not dangerous! He -"

Suddenly, a maid walked into the room, disrupting their conversation.

"Mr. Mo, there is a woman at the door."

An Luxia turned around and her eyes brightened, "Oh, it's my best friend! I told her to come as well."

She let go of her brother and ran out of the living room. With her gone, the tension inside the room rose as the two men inside stayed silent, one glaring at the other and the other sitting down a little guiltily.

A minute later, An Luxia finally returned, pulling another girl into the room.

The other girl was much shorter than An Luxia and had short hair. She was, like An Luxia, the cute type of girl in terms of appearance.

However, her attitude and temper were actually the exact opposite.

"Mo Han, this is my best friend, Yu Xinyi. We grew up together! Xinyi, this is my husband, Mo Han."

Mo Han stood up and walked over, politely greeting Yu Xinyi, who in turn, glared at him suspiciously, "So you're the dude that stole my Xiaxia away?"

--- Author's Note:

'The Wife of Hades' has 6 reviews right now! Let's try to get to 10 by the end of this week, okay? ^o^

If we can reach 10, I sense a mass release coming hehehe :)

Love you <3