A Guardian's Tutorial (VIII)


'Conflict amongst their ranks?' Lucian thought, observing the hostility between Cezar and Matthias. For now, it seemed to be one-sided as only Cezar was found seething with fury. Matthias, on the other hand, merely appeared indifferent and even slightly annoyed.

However, that soon changed with Matthias rising to feet, standing eye to eye with Cezar. An unrelenting air manifested around him with soon took on the force of his unique aura. As their auras clashed, some of the branches and other foliage damaged from the prior fights experienced utter destruction.

'Woah, is that violent wave... Mana? This is on a completely different level! They must be exhibiting the utmost limit of their current vessels,' Lucian thought incredulously.

After beholding their auras and abilities, it was brought to Lucian's attention that although one's attributes didn't immediately start at the level of their ability, the purity of their mana did. Hence, when examining a Guardian, their Mana Purity was one undergoing the true assessment. The rest were just secondary.

After all, Mana was the foundation of everyone's vessel. Without a sufficiently pure Mana Source, it would be impossible to advance amongst the rankings. Not to mention, a strong ability with fragile Mana was akin to a pristine building with a shoddy infrastructure.

Although it was fabulous to marvel at, it was an empty shell. Sooner or later, it would lead to an inevitable breakdown. Thus, while a person's potential was a defining factor, if there was a disconnect between ability and vessel integrity, then it would affect the recruitment decision.

Only those with a stable connection amongst their ability were highly favored. At the time of recruitment, regardless of the Guardian's chosen division, they would receive an upgradeable certification. This would allow them to start at their current rating but possess the authority to upgrade their certification without complications.

All they needed to do was confirm that their vessel had touched upon that level. After all, just having strong Mana wasn't enough as it was kindred to becoming a glass cannon; extremely powerful, yet overly fragile at the same time. At that point, one's weaknesses would also cancel out their strengths, eventually affecting their final ranking.

"Hey, have you two lost your minds? We're in the middle of completing a task and you've found the time to squabble amongst yourselves? Should I get involved?" Elaine barked, an inferno appearing around her. Even her hair was coated in scorching embers.

Much like Matthias and Cezar, she possessed a fiery temper as well except it was kept under wraps most of the time. Nevertheless, it seemed that birds of a feather truly flocked together. Still, because of her intervening in the situation, both of them directed their attention towards Elaine.

"Who asked for your input!?"

"Who asked for your input!?"

Both Matthias and Cezar simultaneously uttered the same phrase, garnering Lucian's shock. Even if they tried to deny it, it felt as if they practiced this routine beforehand.

He wasn't aware of it before, but now, that he observed more of their interactions, he understood the basis of their relationship. It was obvious their rivalry went far back.

'I guess I truly am an outsider in this bunch, through and through,' Lucian thought. However, as they continued to bicker, Lucian caught wind of 5 Scarlet Apes, frightened stiff by the horrifying mana ripples.

In this situation, Lucian took advantage of their motionlessness without another thought. One after another, Lucian spared 0.5 units of Mana to reinforce each of his shots. Due to their frozen states, it only took one and infrequently two shots to fell the Scarlet Apes.

By the end, a wave of alerts appeared before Lucian's eyes, filling him with ecstasy.

〈Alert: You have killed a Scarlet Ape (E Rank). [Reward: 0.5 points]〉

Just like that, Lucian had acquired a total of 2.5 points while the other remained embroiled in battle. It went without saying, Lucian focused on increasing his stats rather than involving himself.

〈Alert: Spirit: F → F+. [1 Enhancement Point consumed.]〉

〈Alert: Wisdom: F- → F. [1 Enhancement Point consumed.]〉

Not only did Lucian's MQ increase by a small margin, but his recovery rate had made a noticeable increase as well!


Name: Lucas Salvatore

Title: N/A

Archetype: Augmentor

Fractal Rating: F (F+)

Authority: Nil

Health: 100%

MQ: 19/19 (1 MQ per min)


»Strength: F+

»Agility: F+

»Endurance: F

»Dexterity: F+

»Vitality: F

»Perception: F

»Spirit: F+

»Wisdom: F



»Points: 0.5



»Reinforce [F+ Rank Ability]

'A small increase to Wisdom has increased my current Mana Quotient by nearly 25%. I'm guessing during the early, or rather the lower rankings, it's quite easy to notice your progress. As for the future, well...there are probably only two choices remaining,' Lucian estimated.

For now, the only two noticeable paths Lucian could see were one; future advancements requiring a mass of points along with a great massive increase to ability, or still requiring plenty of points yet receiving a lackluster return.

Yet, based on the apparent disparity in strength present amongst the current ranks he was familiar with, Lucian was willing to bet that the former was the truth of the matter.

All of a sudden, the bickering ceased and the entire party directed their attention towards Lucian. Elliot was the first to berate him, "Wait a goddamn minute! Did you kill all the remaining apes?! You conniving freak; how dare you take advantage of us like that?"

"U-uh...what? Would you rather me have let them regain their wits and launch attacks upon the Guardian Stone while you all argued amongst yourselves?" Lucian questioned in return.

At first, Elliot was stupefied by the gall of Lucian's reply, however, he soon recovered.

"W-what did you just say to me?" Elliot snarled, stomping towards Lucian. When he stood in front of him, Elliot snatched his battle suit, ruffling his attire in the process.


Elliot slammed Lucian against a tree, yet to his surprise, Lucian only stared at him calmly, "I said nothing wrong, I solely kept the objective in mind. Unlike you all who have the luxury of placing your attention elsewhere, I can't afford a failure."

The lack of rage present in Lucian's eyes confused Elliot. 'Does he not feel resentment from being treated like this, being viewed as a bug? Just what's this kid's deal?' Elliot inwardly thought, finally tossing Lucian aside after a few moments.

"Tch, a buzzkill, that's what you are. You suck the joy out of everything, get lost!" Elliot snapped with an annoyed click of his tongue before moving back towards the rest.

Meanwhile, Lucian muttered something to himself.

'I have lived my life going unnoticed, tending to my siblings. Do you think I fancy your attention?'

Only Cezar heard this as his ear perked up, looking towards Lucian with amusement. 'Kid truly has some balls. Just how does someone with so much heart end up in his predicament? Actually, just what are his attributes? I'm curious to know.'

When the urge gnawed at his mind, Cezar beckoned to Lucian, "Hey, you. Dude, what do your stats look like? I want to see them, come show them to me."

Instantly, Lucian froze. The sentence he was dreading appeared. If he rejected them, he was sure some bad blood was bound to fester between them, but if he disclosed the tragedy known as his attributes, he would become an even further walking embarrassment.

After some time, Lucian mustered the courage to reject the request. "Err, I'd rather not entertain that request and save myself the humiliation. No disrespect, but I just can't bring myself to do that."

"R-ridiculous! You act as if you have some shocking secret to defend! Just show your atrocious attributes," Elliot shouted, already upset by Lucian's demeanor.

"No," Lucian adamantly refused. Based on everyone's personality, as soon as his attributes were revealed, Elliot, Priscilla, and Cezar were sure to have some remarks about it. Frankly speaking, they were words he just didn't want to hear. After all, he was already well aware of his limitations.

"Since he doesn't wish to reveal them, I will," Matthias voiced, staring directly at Lucian. Astonishment was plastered across Lucian's face as he heard this, he didn't believe Matthias was capable of this.

Nevertheless, before he could continue, Matthias continued, "The weak-minded and fainthearted will never be strong, strength originates from one's confidence."

Afterward, he started to disclose Lucian's exact stats, birthing seeds of despair within Lucian.