Limit Release (II)


Accompanied by the strong tremor, a colossal head appeared from within the shadows. A coat of fine crimson fur and a collection of unblemished white fur surrounded the head as a pair of frigid silver eyes stared at the party.

Ahri was unsure if it was just her imagination, but to her, it seemed like the wolf was smiling from the manner of baring its fangs. Shortly after, the rest of its body appeared. Horror filled Ahri's eyes as the absurd size of the wolf was on full display.

Based on what she saw, Ahri was almost certain this wolf was over 5 meters tall. This was a first for her. To her knowledge, there was no way a wolf could grow so large. Even after the Priming, there was no record of such a wolf existing.

Certainly, something was amiss.

Surprisingly, after showing itself, the wolf didn't make a move and simply sifted its gaze throughout the battlefield. After a brief pause, the wolf zeroed in on Lucian, the sole Guardian drawing near its position.