Rewards of Completion


There was no notification of completion after killing the last monster. The only sign that the team completed the run was the suspended timer alongside the rift that opened not too far from them. 

However, a special notification appeared before Lucian, Olov, and Aeran's sights. It was the point value as well as their contribution to the boss kill. In short, the ratio was uneven but fair since it was based on what role each person played in killing the boss.

As Olov had the least contribution, only shielding Lucian from the last strike, he was only rewarded 5% of the boss's points. Still, just that 5% was enough to cause Olov's shock. It amounted to over 6 Enhancement Points!

After all, the Infernal Doom Wolf wasn't a simple opponent. It was a genuine C Rank Monster. So the difficulty of slaying such a monster was immense. Everyone who took place in the raid was either just waking up or still recovering from the terrifying effects of the fight.