Lucian's Return


Lucian looked around as he returned to Alteria from within the Fractured Monolith. Initially, since the sun had set, Lucian thought that barely any time had passed. After all, he was in the monolith for no more than one and a half days. 

Though, the time spent inside the first floor was much less, even when factoring in his trip to the odd laboratory and the room in which he experienced his transformation. Most of the time spent inside the monolith involved the tutorial and running out the clock on the first run.

Outside of that, there was also his chat that, while only appearing to take a few minutes, actually went on for more than an hour because of how much basic information Lucian extracted from Vohr.

When Lucian looked at his wrist, specifically the high-tech watch given to all inhabitants of Alteria, Lucian noticed something odd.