A Luxurious Experience


The entrance of the jet was more spacious than anything Lucian had ever experienced. Although his family was well off before the Priming, his parents were often busy. Which led to the sparse vacations. Be that as it may, Lucian wasn't resentful. In fact, he felt fortunate.

Because, although they were busy, they never missed a night of tucking him in. Which was also a reason why he was so hellbent on finding their whereabouts. Their gentle care often flowed through his mind when he was younger.

Just imagining their embrace was what allowed him to sleep better at night despite their absence.

Still, the interior of the jet allowed all 30 of the Guardians to be seated comfortably, with some even able to lie in reclining lounge chairs made from the finest fabric. Lucian, on the other hand, sat before a small table against the window.