Take A Human Form

"Is that you?" He asked inside his head. "Is that you little Damian?" he asked once again just to make sure.


Damian had not thought he would ever be called a little kid by someone, much less a dragon. 

He even suspected id the dragon king was talking about him. As far as he knows, he was not a kid but was a full-fledged grown man. He was not someone that could accept the kid title so easily.

"I think you got the kid part wrong," he said, sounding as cool as possible. However, the dragon king showed no interest in his words. If he called someone a kid, they were going to be a kid in his eyes forever.

Considering how he was centuries older than Damian, it was only fair for him to call him a kid.  A smile crept on his face.

"So what is it?" he asked, while still flying in the sky. He sensed the cautiousness of Mina but said nothing. It was okay for her to stay cautious like this.

From what he knew, chosen ones were mere humans.