Great Idea Alice!

"I will tell you everything. But now, you need to rest for 3 days!" Alice said.

"3 DAYS?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I NEED TO COMPLETE MY GAME TODAY!" Rafe shouted with all his might but still his voice was low for the others. He felt so sick that he quietly laid down again.

"Look, I understand! But you need to rest!" Alice said.

"By the way, why is that game so important for you?" Mrs.Ractor asked.

"Because its tomorrow!" Tracer, Alice and Rafe said.

"You are making it for him?" Mrs.Ractor asked emotionally.

Now, are you guessing what day is tomorrow? It's Mr.Ractor's Birthday! Even though he wasn't present there, the twins and their mother believed that he will be back soon, and so did Tracer! So, when he returns, Rafe could show the game to Mr.Ractor!

"Yes!" Rafe said.

"OH! How sweet! By the way… where does your father lives?" the doctor asked a question, AGAIN!!!!

The twins and Tracer went quite so, Mrs.Ractor changed the subject… "Thank you so much for coming doctor! Here is your fees! As you said, Rafe needs to rest so why not we leave him alone? Right Rafe?" She gave some bucks to the doctor.

"Yes mum, I am feeling very sick!" but Rafe said it seriously. He was not kidding around!

"Oh! Then I must leave now! Thank you miss!" Said the doctor and he left. Alice knew Rafe was not kidding, so she stayed behind to take care of him while Tracer and Mrs.Ractor went to drop the doctor off the door.

"I know you weren't kidding!" Said Alice.

"You are the only one who gets me, Al!" Rafe said.

"Hmm…Those two really hate that doctor!" Alice said.

"Why?" Rafe asked.

"Oh! Right! You were still fainted! So what happened is…" And Alice told the whole story to Rafe.

"Hahaha!" Rafe and Alice laughed after hearing about the doctor's questions!

" You know the rest! The Game-" Alice was about to complete when Rafe said…"THE GAME! Oh no! What should I do now? I guess I will leave it! You are right! I need to rest. By the way, Dad is not here! What's the point?"

"Hmm.. Aha! So what? You can put him in the game! You can change the detective game to a party game!" Alice said.

"What do you mean? Make it straight!" Rafe said.

"Well, if he isn't here you can make a game with him in it! Like…oh! Yah! The interface will have him in a Birthday Party, HIS Birthday Party, and we can have two options as gifts for him! One with a legend gift and the other with a normal one or not so good! And the computer ...which will be dad will choose it himself! What do you think?" Alice asked.

Rafe made a face which looked as if he hated the idea. Then he spoke up with excitement… "ITS BRILLIANT!!!!". But, suddenly he turned sad… "But, I have to rest. Who will type the codes? Tracer isn't programmed to do so, because it's MY job! Oooo…I know…" Rafe said while looking at Alice.

"Me? No, no… Did you hear that? I guess mum is calling me! I better go" And she rushed outside.