Just a Dream

But who was it? Rafe went a little closer to have a good look. It was a girl! A girl of Rafe's age! She had two high pony tails, and a yellow bow in one of the pony tails. She wore a clean orange frock with a yellow belt ! She was sparkiling in yellow colour too. She was all yellow! Her eyes were closed, she had fainted just like Mr. Ractor. But then, something happened! Something terrible! Mr. Ractor was fading away! He was disappearing again!

"DAD!!!!" Rafe shouted with all his might. He woke up from a dream! He was breathing heavilly.

"What's wrong? Nightmares?" Alice asked.

"A bad dream." Rafe replied. "What happened?"

"Again!" Alice said.

"AGAIN! Ughhh!!! I am sick and tired of my R.F.P!" Rafe said.

"So am I brother, so am I!" Alice said. "When the Earthquake occurred, you managed to save the family picture but your head hit the ground and you know the rest!"

"Ohhh! That is why my head is aching a lot!" Rafe said while rubbing his head. Suddenly he remembered something..." Did the code work?"

"Na ah!" Alice replied. "Nothing!"

"Hmm...I don't want to do research on this code anymore! Let's close the chapter!" Rafe said. The research made him more emotional and depressed.

"You are right!" Alice replied. The same thing happened with her! "Let's watch T.V!" She suggested to cheer up a little. "Yah! You are right!" Rafe agreed. Rafe got up from his bed and went to the Living Room to watch T.V.

"Tracer, switch on the T.V!" Rafe said.

"He is sleeping, remember?" Alice reminded him.

"Oh! I thought it was a dream too!" Rafe chuckled.

"No. Only your 'DAD!' part was a dream!" Alice said.

"So...you mean Tracer is not innocent? He did something with dad?" Rafe asked.

"I am not so sure but, I think so! Now switch on the T.V! I am gonna miss 'The Fantastic Girls!'" Alice said. Rafe switched the T.V on and said...."Oh, no! We are gonna watch 'The Coder Guy!'" while chuckling. But, the news was going on. "We are gonna watch 'The Fantastic Girls!'" Alice said. "After all! I am your ELDER sister!" and she snatched the remote from him.

"ONLY BY A MINUTE!!! We are gonna watch 'The Coder Guy!'" Rafe said while struggling to snatch the remote. And the argue began.

"And the President wants to launch a rocket to Jupiter! He wants our country to become the first country to do so! What a wonderful idea! Let's see what the President has to say about this!" The journalist said.

"Hello dear citizens! The government want our country to be the first country to send a rocket to Jupiter! Regarding this, we will have a little chit chat with the CEO of 'Space Ships' tomorrow at 10 in the morning!" The President announced. For once their was a pin drop silence in the room. ITS A BIGGGG OH! NO! OH NOOO!