Episode 6 - Surbodinates (4)

A woman with brown curly hair was looking at the man. The man was busy paying attention to something and fell silent as a stone. The woman who has seen him pissed off then rolls her eyes. She whispered, "What are you waiting for?"

"Wait a minute. We need to wait."

"But if you don't catch him fast,-"

"Shut up, I know what I'm doing. Just shut up your mouth."

"Tsk! Yes, okay!"

They both stood in the water of the flowing river, with fish swimming around.

"Troy, I'm hungry! Hurry up!"

"Calm down, Bernadette."

A fish stop to swim in front of Troy. The fish looked at him. Troy looked back at the fish back, quite seriously. While he prepared his hands to catch.


He managed to catch the fish with his bare hands.

"Uwah! A big one. Quick take it to the container, Troy!"

"Yes..." He was so excited while carrying the fish.

"Hey, don't move a lot...! Ha?!"