Episode 9 - Other Way (5)

As we know, this cave has a magic that could mislead a person. That person would difficult to find a way out. The point of this is the cave is not just a ordinary. There are hidden things in here. What is it? They both are still wondering what it is.

Vanessa and Basil become a little fatigue caused by walked too long. Already tried to destroy the walls of the cave. The result is not successful. The wall is not destroyed, instead giving the effect is reversed. 

"I can't! My feet hurt!" Vanessa murmured.

It would be better if there's blood wine. It will definitely be more refreshing our body.

"Drink this."


A bag of blood in his bag.

"This is the blood of animals instead of blood wine. So more healthy."

"Thank you."

I thought is blood wine from the beginning. I've been hoping high, not even fits my expectations.